Úrslit og umsagnir alþjóðleg hundasýning 13. og 14. nóvember 2015
Hvolpaflokkur 3-6 mánaða
1. Gunnarsholts Zello
2. Gjósku Uggi
1. Gjósku Una Buna
Besti hvolpur tegundar BOB – Gjósku Una Buna
Annar besti hvolpur tegundar BOS - Gunnarsholts Zello
1. ISShCh NLW-15 Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
2. ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
3. ISShCh Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
4. Kolgrímu Genious Of All TimeHólm
1. ISShCh Gunnarsholts Whoopy
2. Ice Tindra Gordjoss
3. Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
4. Vonzyu’s Azinja
Besti hundur tegundar BOB - ISShCh Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
Annar besti hundur tegundar BOS - ISShCh Gunnarsholts Whoopy
Hvolpaflokkur 3-6 mánaða
1. Gjósku Usli
2. Gunnarsholts Zorro
Besti hvolpur tegundar BOB – Gjósku Usli
1. ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
2. ISShCh RW-15 NLW-15 Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
1. ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
2. Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
3. Ice Tindra Joss
Besti hundur tegundar BOB - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Annar besti hundur tegundar BOS - ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Hvolpar 3-6 mánaða
Gunnarsholts Zello
3 months nice size, balanced all over. strong bones, well shaped head. nice proportions, very big ears. dark eyes, strong muzzle. nice front, well laid. moves nice for age. very promising, nice temperament.
1. sæti, heiðursverðleun, besti hvolpur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Gjósku Uggi
strong 3 months male. lot of body, good bone structure. well shaped head, well set ears. strong muzzle, well balanced front. well set shoulder. excellent hindquarters. well set tail. today curly coat. sweet temperament. moves with drive, effortless suitable for his age. very promising puppy.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Gjósku Una Buna
3 months very balanced all over. strong built, a lot of expression. well set ears, nice stop, dark almond shaped eyes. strong muzzle. scissor bite. well angulated. excellent topline, well set + carried tail. nice coat for age, strong feet. moves effortless very nice head carriage, strong for her age.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, 3. Besti hvolpur sýningar
Gjósku Usli
strongly built, masculin all over, lot of temperament. nice shape of head + ears, dark almond shaped eyes. strong muzzle + scissor bite. nice front, strong feet, nice topline. well angulated hindquarters. nice coat for his age, well set + carried tail. moves suitable for his age.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar
Gunnarsholts Zorro
3 months lights structure, nice strong masculine head. well set ears, bit round scalp, bit young ears. strong muzzle, scissor bite. nice front + topline, sweet temperament. coat suitable for his age. well set + carried tail. moves a bit short in steps, suitable for his age.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Gjósku Tindur
good head, big strong. Well set big ears, good topline. deep chest, weak pasterns. strong coat, slightly steep croup, moves well for age, close behind.
excellent, 1. sæti
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
big medium strong, masculin head, good ears. nice dark eyes, deep chest. good bones + feet. very good topline, slightly steep croup, very good coat + colour. moves with great reach + drive
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni
opinn flokkur
Gunnarsholts Yogi
bit short head, wide ears. big medium strong upright shoulders. to flat + long in topline. deep chest + flat fore feet. good coat + colour. needs more reach + drive, close behind.
very good, 3. sæti
Kolgrímu Fligh HighHólm
big strong, masculine head, a bit wide set ears. strong neck, good topline, excellent body muscle + condition. good bones + feet. speaking badly showing teeth, but he came down and was able to handle. nice dog that needs to learn to behave. moves well
very good, 1. sæti
Gjósku Mikki-Refur
big strong, masculin head, bit coarse in skull. needs better mouth condition, dry nose. strong body, medium bone. steep croup. excellent coat + colour, moves in balance.
very good, 2. sæti
Kolgrímu Genious Af All TimeHólm
medium size, strong masculine head, good ears. deep chest, good bones + feet. in good muscle condition. excellent neck, good topline + tail. very good coat + colour. moves with reach + drive.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 4. besti rakki tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Giro av Røstadgården
mætti ekki
Juwika Fitness
big medium strong, masculine head, bit deep lips. good ears, deep chest, bit flat sided. very good topline, slightly long in loin, excellent bone + coat + colour. very good side action.
excellent, 2. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besti rakki tegundar, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Welincha's Yasko
big medium strong, needs more in muzzle. underteeth bit crooked. wide ears, deep chest, good bone, strong neck. good tail carriage, steep croup. good coat + colour, good side gate, close behind.
Gjósku Olli
medium size, medium strong. good scull, wide ears. deep chest, flat sided. good bones + feet. i'd like a bit stronger hocks. just enough hind angulation, excellent coat + colour. quite good side gate, close behind.
excellent, 4. sæti
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
medium size, strong in excellent condition. masculin head with well set ears. strong jaw, good chest, strong bone. good feet, keeps topline standing + moving. excellent coat + colour. Nicely presented
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar, 1. sæti tegundarhópur 1
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
big medium strong. masculine head, strong jaw. big well set ears, deep chest, bit flat sided. good topline, but a bit long in loin. good coat + colour. good reach + drive, close behind.
excellent, 3. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besti rakki tegundar
Eldeyjar Hugi
8 years old in strong condition, big strong masculin head, well set ears. upright shoulder. deep well filled chest. good bone, bit weak pastern. steep croup, good coat + colour. Moves well for age but loose.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti öldungur tegundar
Gjósku Thea
medium size medium strong. needs more foreface, well set big ears. good bone, flat front feet. enough body for age, straight upper arm, steep croup. good coat, needs more hind action, loose in front. nice temperament.
very good, 2. sæti
Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
medium size medium strong. nice head, good ears, deep chest. slightly long in loin, good topline. Very good bone + feet, strong coat, nice colour. moves with reach + drive. quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besta tík tegundar
Ölfus Aþena
nice feminine head, good ears, upright shoulder. steep croup, needs a straighter tail. flat fore feet. strong coat, needs to mature in front movements + get more drive, loose hocks.
very good, 3. sæti
Svarthamars Hörn
nice feminin head, needs more pigment. wide set ears. bite just ok, deep chest, still flat sided. needs a shorter stronger loin. good bone + muscle condition, strong coat. moves and stands in flat topline.
very good, 2. sæti
Kötlu Alfa París
nice feminine head, bit big well set ears. upright shoulders, flat loose feet. weak pastern, still flat in ribs. needs a shorter stronger loin. good texture of coat. qute loose in coming + going and needs more power in the side gate.
very good, 4. sæti
Vonziu's Asynja
medium size, medium strong, good scull + ears. deep strong body, good topline. enough neck. good muscle condition. very good bone + feet, excellent coat + colour. has reach + drive, her hocks could be more stable.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 4. besta tík tegundar
opinn flokkur
Gunnarsholts Xandra
mætti ekki
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
medium size, medium strong, good head + ears. in very good body + muscle condition. very good topline + tail carriage. strong bone, in very good cat. nice colour. moves with reach + drive, quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Eldeyjar Alma
good head + ears. lacking pigment on nose. deep chest, good bones, bit open feet. steep croup, strong coat. needs more hind action, difficult to find the trot coming + going.
very good, 3. sæti
Gjósku Mylla
mætti ekki
Gunnarsholts Whitney
good head, well set ears, bit wide in the root. deep chest, very good bone + feet. quite good front, in good muscle condition. long in loin, good coat + colour. moves in nice balance.
excellent, 2. sæti
Gunnarsholts Xaviera
medium size, lighter built. feminin head, bit big well set ears. deep chest but needs more power in body + loin. flat feet, straight upper arm. busy mover + close coming and going.
very good, 4. sæti
Gunnarsholts Whoopy
medium size, medium strong. good head + ears, excellent body + muscle condition. strong bone, very good topline. slightly steep croup. good colour. moves with reach + drive, nice carriage.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Sleggjubeina Z Esja
big + strong 11 years old. good head + nice mouth condition. upright shoulder, long in loin. she is in good condition. straight shoulder spoils the movements in front.
very good, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti öldungur tegundar
Eldeyjar Hugi með afkvæmum
two diffrent litters, old boy puts a lot of power. easy to see who is male and who is female. most with very good side gates.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti afkvæmahópur tegundar, 2. besti afkvæmahópur dagsins
2 combinations, even in type. strong + masculine. all have excellent bone + feet, gives a very nice picture together as a group and have a excellent side gate. well done.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar
two combinations. a bit different in type + proportions. some could have better ears placements. the females are the better in the group.
excellent, 3. sæti
4 combinations, the dogs give a nice picture together. it is easy to see who is male and who is female. all have a nice side gate. well done.
excellent, 2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
opinn flokkur
Gjósku Óli Hólm
big medium strong, masculin head, bit wide set ears. upright shoulder, needs tighter feet. deep croup, needs a bit more reach + drive, loose in front. he has a dry nose. quite loose in front, nice temperament.
very good, 1. sæti
Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
big medium strong, good head, bit wide set eras. straight upper arm, deep chest. good topline, steep croup. very good bone + feet. real long coat. moves with power, could be more settled in front.
excellent, 2. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besti rakki tegundar, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
big strong, masculin head, well set big ears. deep chest, strong bones + muscle condition. real long coat, moves with power. even quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Ice Tindra Joss
medium size, medium strong. good head, very good topline deep chest. I would like her a bit more up on leg, excellent bone + feet. strong coat, very good side gate, still young coming + going. quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besta tík tegundar
opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ráðhildur
medium size medium strong. good head, bit wide big ears, deep chest, flat sided, steep croup. needs a bit more in front, strong coat, quite good side gate, narrow coming.
excellent, 2. sæti
Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
medium size medium strong, good head + ear set. eyes could be darker, very good topline. deep chest, strong coat. moves with reach + drive, bit narrow behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
medium size medium strong, good head + ears. very good topline, strong bone. good feet, deep chest. in coat change, moves with reach + drive + nice carriage. quite good behind
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
two combinations, quite common in type, just a bit different in expression + ear placements. gives a nice picture as a group. well done.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar
Hvolpaflokkur 3-6 mánaða
1. Gunnarsholts Zello
2. Gjósku Uggi
1. Gjósku Una Buna
Besti hvolpur tegundar BOB – Gjósku Una Buna
Annar besti hvolpur tegundar BOS - Gunnarsholts Zello
1. ISShCh NLW-15 Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
2. ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
3. ISShCh Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
4. Kolgrímu Genious Of All TimeHólm
1. ISShCh Gunnarsholts Whoopy
2. Ice Tindra Gordjoss
3. Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
4. Vonzyu’s Azinja
Besti hundur tegundar BOB - ISShCh Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
Annar besti hundur tegundar BOS - ISShCh Gunnarsholts Whoopy
Hvolpaflokkur 3-6 mánaða
1. Gjósku Usli
2. Gunnarsholts Zorro
Besti hvolpur tegundar BOB – Gjósku Usli
1. ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
2. ISShCh RW-15 NLW-15 Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
1. ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
2. Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
3. Ice Tindra Joss
Besti hundur tegundar BOB - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Annar besti hundur tegundar BOS - ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Hvolpar 3-6 mánaða
Gunnarsholts Zello
3 months nice size, balanced all over. strong bones, well shaped head. nice proportions, very big ears. dark eyes, strong muzzle. nice front, well laid. moves nice for age. very promising, nice temperament.
1. sæti, heiðursverðleun, besti hvolpur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Gjósku Uggi
strong 3 months male. lot of body, good bone structure. well shaped head, well set ears. strong muzzle, well balanced front. well set shoulder. excellent hindquarters. well set tail. today curly coat. sweet temperament. moves with drive, effortless suitable for his age. very promising puppy.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Gjósku Una Buna
3 months very balanced all over. strong built, a lot of expression. well set ears, nice stop, dark almond shaped eyes. strong muzzle. scissor bite. well angulated. excellent topline, well set + carried tail. nice coat for age, strong feet. moves effortless very nice head carriage, strong for her age.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, 3. Besti hvolpur sýningar
Gjósku Usli
strongly built, masculin all over, lot of temperament. nice shape of head + ears, dark almond shaped eyes. strong muzzle + scissor bite. nice front, strong feet, nice topline. well angulated hindquarters. nice coat for his age, well set + carried tail. moves suitable for his age.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar
Gunnarsholts Zorro
3 months lights structure, nice strong masculine head. well set ears, bit round scalp, bit young ears. strong muzzle, scissor bite. nice front + topline, sweet temperament. coat suitable for his age. well set + carried tail. moves a bit short in steps, suitable for his age.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Gjósku Tindur
good head, big strong. Well set big ears, good topline. deep chest, weak pasterns. strong coat, slightly steep croup, moves well for age, close behind.
excellent, 1. sæti
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
big medium strong, masculin head, good ears. nice dark eyes, deep chest. good bones + feet. very good topline, slightly steep croup, very good coat + colour. moves with great reach + drive
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni
opinn flokkur
Gunnarsholts Yogi
bit short head, wide ears. big medium strong upright shoulders. to flat + long in topline. deep chest + flat fore feet. good coat + colour. needs more reach + drive, close behind.
very good, 3. sæti
Kolgrímu Fligh HighHólm
big strong, masculine head, a bit wide set ears. strong neck, good topline, excellent body muscle + condition. good bones + feet. speaking badly showing teeth, but he came down and was able to handle. nice dog that needs to learn to behave. moves well
very good, 1. sæti
Gjósku Mikki-Refur
big strong, masculin head, bit coarse in skull. needs better mouth condition, dry nose. strong body, medium bone. steep croup. excellent coat + colour, moves in balance.
very good, 2. sæti
Kolgrímu Genious Af All TimeHólm
medium size, strong masculine head, good ears. deep chest, good bones + feet. in good muscle condition. excellent neck, good topline + tail. very good coat + colour. moves with reach + drive.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 4. besti rakki tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Giro av Røstadgården
mætti ekki
Juwika Fitness
big medium strong, masculine head, bit deep lips. good ears, deep chest, bit flat sided. very good topline, slightly long in loin, excellent bone + coat + colour. very good side action.
excellent, 2. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besti rakki tegundar, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Welincha's Yasko
big medium strong, needs more in muzzle. underteeth bit crooked. wide ears, deep chest, good bone, strong neck. good tail carriage, steep croup. good coat + colour, good side gate, close behind.
Gjósku Olli
medium size, medium strong. good scull, wide ears. deep chest, flat sided. good bones + feet. i'd like a bit stronger hocks. just enough hind angulation, excellent coat + colour. quite good side gate, close behind.
excellent, 4. sæti
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
medium size, strong in excellent condition. masculin head with well set ears. strong jaw, good chest, strong bone. good feet, keeps topline standing + moving. excellent coat + colour. Nicely presented
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar, 1. sæti tegundarhópur 1
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
big medium strong. masculine head, strong jaw. big well set ears, deep chest, bit flat sided. good topline, but a bit long in loin. good coat + colour. good reach + drive, close behind.
excellent, 3. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besti rakki tegundar
Eldeyjar Hugi
8 years old in strong condition, big strong masculin head, well set ears. upright shoulder. deep well filled chest. good bone, bit weak pastern. steep croup, good coat + colour. Moves well for age but loose.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti öldungur tegundar
Gjósku Thea
medium size medium strong. needs more foreface, well set big ears. good bone, flat front feet. enough body for age, straight upper arm, steep croup. good coat, needs more hind action, loose in front. nice temperament.
very good, 2. sæti
Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
medium size medium strong. nice head, good ears, deep chest. slightly long in loin, good topline. Very good bone + feet, strong coat, nice colour. moves with reach + drive. quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besta tík tegundar
Ölfus Aþena
nice feminine head, good ears, upright shoulder. steep croup, needs a straighter tail. flat fore feet. strong coat, needs to mature in front movements + get more drive, loose hocks.
very good, 3. sæti
Svarthamars Hörn
nice feminin head, needs more pigment. wide set ears. bite just ok, deep chest, still flat sided. needs a shorter stronger loin. good bone + muscle condition, strong coat. moves and stands in flat topline.
very good, 2. sæti
Kötlu Alfa París
nice feminine head, bit big well set ears. upright shoulders, flat loose feet. weak pastern, still flat in ribs. needs a shorter stronger loin. good texture of coat. qute loose in coming + going and needs more power in the side gate.
very good, 4. sæti
Vonziu's Asynja
medium size, medium strong, good scull + ears. deep strong body, good topline. enough neck. good muscle condition. very good bone + feet, excellent coat + colour. has reach + drive, her hocks could be more stable.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 4. besta tík tegundar
opinn flokkur
Gunnarsholts Xandra
mætti ekki
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
medium size, medium strong, good head + ears. in very good body + muscle condition. very good topline + tail carriage. strong bone, in very good cat. nice colour. moves with reach + drive, quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Eldeyjar Alma
good head + ears. lacking pigment on nose. deep chest, good bones, bit open feet. steep croup, strong coat. needs more hind action, difficult to find the trot coming + going.
very good, 3. sæti
Gjósku Mylla
mætti ekki
Gunnarsholts Whitney
good head, well set ears, bit wide in the root. deep chest, very good bone + feet. quite good front, in good muscle condition. long in loin, good coat + colour. moves in nice balance.
excellent, 2. sæti
Gunnarsholts Xaviera
medium size, lighter built. feminin head, bit big well set ears. deep chest but needs more power in body + loin. flat feet, straight upper arm. busy mover + close coming and going.
very good, 4. sæti
Gunnarsholts Whoopy
medium size, medium strong. good head + ears, excellent body + muscle condition. strong bone, very good topline. slightly steep croup. good colour. moves with reach + drive, nice carriage.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Sleggjubeina Z Esja
big + strong 11 years old. good head + nice mouth condition. upright shoulder, long in loin. she is in good condition. straight shoulder spoils the movements in front.
very good, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti öldungur tegundar
Eldeyjar Hugi með afkvæmum
two diffrent litters, old boy puts a lot of power. easy to see who is male and who is female. most with very good side gates.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti afkvæmahópur tegundar, 2. besti afkvæmahópur dagsins
2 combinations, even in type. strong + masculine. all have excellent bone + feet, gives a very nice picture together as a group and have a excellent side gate. well done.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar
two combinations. a bit different in type + proportions. some could have better ears placements. the females are the better in the group.
excellent, 3. sæti
4 combinations, the dogs give a nice picture together. it is easy to see who is male and who is female. all have a nice side gate. well done.
excellent, 2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
opinn flokkur
Gjósku Óli Hólm
big medium strong, masculin head, bit wide set ears. upright shoulder, needs tighter feet. deep croup, needs a bit more reach + drive, loose in front. he has a dry nose. quite loose in front, nice temperament.
very good, 1. sæti
Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
big medium strong, good head, bit wide set eras. straight upper arm, deep chest. good topline, steep croup. very good bone + feet. real long coat. moves with power, could be more settled in front.
excellent, 2. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besti rakki tegundar, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
big strong, masculin head, well set big ears. deep chest, strong bones + muscle condition. real long coat, moves with power. even quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Ice Tindra Joss
medium size, medium strong. good head, very good topline deep chest. I would like her a bit more up on leg, excellent bone + feet. strong coat, very good side gate, still young coming + going. quite good behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 3. besta tík tegundar
opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ráðhildur
medium size medium strong. good head, bit wide big ears, deep chest, flat sided, steep croup. needs a bit more in front, strong coat, quite good side gate, narrow coming.
excellent, 2. sæti
Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
medium size medium strong, good head + ear set. eyes could be darker, very good topline. deep chest, strong coat. moves with reach + drive, bit narrow behind.
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, 2. besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig, vara Alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
medium size medium strong, good head + ears. very good topline, strong bone. good feet, deep chest. in coat change, moves with reach + drive + nice carriage. quite good behind
excellent, 1. sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, Alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
two combinations, quite common in type, just a bit different in expression + ear placements. gives a nice picture as a group. well done.
excellent, 1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar