Deildarsýning Schäferdeildarinnar 3. október 2015
Dómari var Louis Donald frá Ástralíu
Hér á eftir koma öll úrslit, sætaröðun í flokkum, einkunnir hunda og umsagnir.
Hvolpar 6-9 mánaða
1. Kolgrímu Jolie
2. Kolgrímu Just Too Fabulous
Besti hvolpur tegundar – Kolgrímu Jolie
Besti hvolpur sýningar - Kolgrímu Jolie
Besti rakki tegundar:
1. ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
2. Gjósku Máni
3. Ice Tindra Grizzly
4. ISShCh Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
Besta tík tegundar:
1. ISCh ISTrCh OB-1 Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Besti hundur tegundar - ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni - ISCh ISTrCh OB-1 Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Besti rakki tegundar:
1. ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
2. Gjósku Óli Hólm
Besta tík tegundar:
1. ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
2. Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
3. Gjósku Pæja
4. NLW-15 Gjósku Ráðhildur
Besti hundur tegundar - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni - ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Besti hundur sýningar - ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
Annar besti hundur sýningar - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða
Kolgrímu Junior
Mætti ekki.
Kolgrímu Jolie
Medium size, medium string, well proportionate puppy. The ears should be higher set, good eye color. Good withers, firm and straight back. Upper arm should be longer. Should stand more correct in front. Stepping correct in front, elbows tight. Drive and reach restricted. On the move the croup is too steep.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, besti hvolpur sýningar
Kolgrímu Just Too Fabulous
Medium size, medium strong black gold. Dark eyes, ears too low, foreface should be stronger. Slightly short, slightly steep croup. Upper arm should be longer, good hind angulation. Firm shoulder and back, steps correct behind and front elbows could be tighter. The reach is restricted and the ears should be firmer.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Kolgrímu Implacable
Above medium size, medium strong, slightly long. Should be more expressive. Good eye color, ears could be higher. Standing correct in front. Good neck firmness, pasterns should be firmer. Moves well behind
Very good, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Tindur
Above medium size, medium strong, black/gold, dark eyes. Ears could be higher and firmer. Standing correct in front. Good withers, back should be firmer, good hind angulation. Stepping from rear, hocks are little narrow, elbows should be tighter.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jessy
Large, slightly heavy muscular dog. Dark eyes, ears should be higher set. Good wither, back should be firmer, good croup. Upper arm could be longer. Good chest development. Stands east-west. Good hind angulation. The hooks + elbows should be firmer. Running drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jackson
Medium size, just medium strong. Should have more substance. Should be more expressive. Ears should be higher, neck should be stronger, back firmer. Croup is well laid but could be longer. Upper arm is very short standing, little narrow in front, feet are placed east-west. Hooks should be firmer, elbows tighter. Flat withers.
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
Above medium size, medium strong. Should be more expressive, slightly roman nose. Good withers, back should be shorter. Good croup, upper arm should be better laid. Good hind angulation, narrow in front + correct behind, drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 1. Sæti
Ice Tindra Igor
Medium size, medium strong. Well colored, good expression, dark eyes. Good withers, back short. Good croup., upper arm short and steep. Good hind angulation, good chest development. Stands little wide in front, correct behind. Good hock firmness, wide in front, drive and reach restricted + could be more outgoing.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Máni
Large, strong, well colored 4 years. Ears should be larger, dark eyes. High withers, strong neck. Behind withers, firm back, good croup, good fore arm, very good hind angulation, good chest development. Should stand little more correct in front. Steps correct in front + behind. Good hock firmness. During movements, shows good drive.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Ice Tindra Grizzly
Large, slightly long, ears could be higher. Medium colored eyes. Ears could be firmer, croup should be longer. Pasterns should be firmer. Standing wide in front and standing correct in behind
Excellent, meistaraefni, 2. Sæti, 3. Besti rakki tegundar
Gjósku Mikki-Refur
Large, well colored, pigmented, dark eyes, the gums inflamed, neck too short. High withers, good croup + back. Slightly short + steep upper arm. Comoact dog, very good hind angulation. Stepping wide behind, hocks should be firmer, correct in front. Drive and reach should be more efficient on the move.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Kolgrímu Hogwarts
Medium size, medium strong. Very well colored, good eye color. Should be more expressive, firm back. Croup little short and steep, upper arm could be longer but is well laid. Stands little narrow in front, stepping behind, hocks should be firmer and elbows. Drive and reach restricted, strong neck, high withers.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Forest
Large, slightly fine dog should be more animated. Ears should be higher, dark eyes. Good withers and neck. Upper arm should be longer and better laid. Should stand more correct in front. Stepping from behind, hocks and elbows narrow and loose. Drive and reach restricted, firm back
Very good
Kolgrímu Fligh HighHólm
Above medium size, slightly heavier dog, dark eyes. Neck could be longer, back could be firmer. Short steep upper arm, stiff hind angulation, short under chest. Should stand more correct in front. Hocks should be firmer, steps correct in front
Very good
Íslands-Ísafoldar Ljónharður
Broken upsizer. Above medium size, medium strong. Ears could be higher, good eye color, foreface should be stronger. Back should be firmer, upper arm should be longer. Could stand more correct in front, step in front elbows should be tighter and has a slight stepping action. Short and steep croup.
Kolgrímu Golden Boy Hólm
Mætti ekki
Gjósku Rósant
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Genious Of All TimeHólm
Above medium size, black/gold, ears should be higher. Neck could be longer, slightly short croup, good hind angulation. Good length of fore leg, standing little more correct. Hocks + elbows could be firmer. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Juwika Fitness
Large strong type-y dog, good head + expression, eyes could be darker. High withers, firm back, croup could be longer. Stands correct in front, upper arm little short and steep. Good length of foreleg. Hocks could be firmer, correct in front. Drive good, reach little restricted.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besti rakki sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar, Besti hundur sýningar
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
Large, medium strong, well colored, ears could be little higher, dark eyes. Stands correct in front, upper arm could be longer and better laid. Good chest development + angulation. Hocks could be firmer + elbows tighter
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besti rakki sýningar
Welincha’s Yasko
Medium size, medium strong, ears should be higher set. Good eye color, good withers, back could be firmer. Upper arm could be longer, good length of foreleg. Standing correct in front, good hind angulation, steps correct behind. Elbows should be tighter. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Olli
Broken upsizer, large little fine. Well colored, should be more expressive, dark eyes, stands wide in front. Upper arm short and steep. Very good hind angulation, chest should be more developed. Wide in front, tight in rear, drive and reach restricted. Hocks could be firmer and elbows firmer
Very good, 4. Sæti
Giro av Rostadgarden
Mætti ekki
Eldeyjar Hugi
Broken tooth, 8 years, large, strong substance, well pigmented dog. Ears could be higher. Neck is powerfull, good withers, back should be firmer. Slightly steep croup, good chest. Very good hind angulation, should stand more correct. A bit week in pasterns, when stepping hocks could be stronger + elbows tighter
Excellent, 1. Sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti öldungur tegundar, Besti öldungur sýningar
Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
Medium size, medium strong. Well colored, ears little large, dark eyes. Stands correct in front, back could be firmer. Slightly steep croup + could be longer. Good chest, good hind angulation. Hocks could be firmer + elbows tighter on move. drive and reach restricted, stand correct in front
Very good, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Thea
Medium size, expressive, ears could be higher, eyes could be darker. Flat withers, back could be firmer, short steep croup, short upper arm. Should stand more correct in front, hock firmness good, elbows could be tighter. Stepping correct in front + back. On the move drive and reach restricted + back should be firmer.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Svarthamars Hörn
Damaged teeth, medium size, medium strong, good eye color, good wither, firm back. Slightly short, steep croup, short upper arm. Good chest, very good hind angulation. Stepping wide in front, hocks should be firmer. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 3. Sæti
Kötlu Aría Nala
Large, slightly fine, good head + expression, good withers and back + croup. Upper arm could be longer and better laid. Standing east west, behind stepping correct + front elbows could be tighter. Drive and reach little restricted on the move. Very good hind angulation
Very good, 1. Sæti
Kötlu Alfa París
Above medium size, medium strong, stretch bitch. Good eye color, ears could be hgher. Good croup, upper arm could be better, deep hind angulation. Steps correct back + front, elbows could be tighter + hocks firmer
Very good, 2. Sæti
Kolgrímu Invisible
Broken tooth, above medium size, expressive bitch with dark eyes. Good withers, short croup, upper arm should be longer, good hind angulation. Short underchest. Hocks loose behind, elbows should be tighter. Very restricted drive and reach
Very good, 3. Sæti
Hlíðarenda Alfa
Medium size, medium strong, little heavy. Good head + expression, good ears and set. Ood withers and back. Slightly short croup, upper arm should be longer. Very good hind angulation, little narrow behind, little wide in front. Elbows could be tighter and hocks better. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu Irresistible
Above medium size, black/tan, should be more expressive. Dark eyes, should stand little more correct in front. Good withers, back should be firmer. Croup little steep, upper arm could be longer and better laid. Little wide behind + front on the move, elbows should be tighter
Vonziu’s Asynja
Medium size, medium strong, black/tan. Could be more expressive, low set ears. Good withers, slightly short and steep croup. Short upper arm, good hind angulation. Should stand little more correct in front, narrow behind + wide in front. Drive and reach restricted
Ölfus Aþena
Could be more outgoing + expressive. Good eye color, correct standing in front, back could be firmer, short steep croup, upper arm could be longer and more laid back. Steps correct behind, elbows to open. Drive and reach restricted
Ice Tindra Ida
Mætti ekki
Opinn flokkur
Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
Large, black/tan slightly fine. Dark eyes, ears could be higher, back could be firmer. Slightly short and steep croup + upper arm. Very good hind angulation, pastern could be firmer. Steps correct behind, elbows + pasterns could be firmer.
Very good, 1. Sæti
Kolgrímu Hokus Pokus Filiokus
Broken tooth, medium size, stretched, well colored bitch. Standing correct in front. Pastern could be firmer, good croup. Upper arm could be longer and better laid. Very good hind angulation, little cowhooked behind. Pastern + elbows should be much firmer. Showing good reach and drive on the move.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Ronja
Large slightly black/tan stretched bitch. Stands little wide in front, flat withers. Back could be firmer, upper arm could be longer. Deep hind angulation, short + steep croup. Pastern should be firmer, on the move wide behind, hocks should be firmer and elbows tighter. On the move should show effective drive.
very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Rispa
Medium size, medium strong, type-y bitch. Good expression, medium eye color. Firm back, high withers, short steep upper arm + croup. Good hind angulation + chest development. Stepps correct behind + front. Hocks could be firmer and elbows tighter. Drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Gjósku Olga-Heiða
Medium size, medium strong, should be more animated, low ears, dark eyes. Stands little wide in front, short flat croup. Good hind angulation. Straight upper arm, stepps wide in front, elbows open +, hocks + back could be firmer. Drive and reach restricted.
Eldeyjar Alma
Medium size, substance, slightly roman nose, dark eyes. Stands little wide, short upper arm. Good chest development + hind angulation. Steps wide in front, narrow behind. Back could be firmer, Drive and reach restricted.
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Large and strong black/tan, ears too low. Level withers, back could be firmer. Short upper arm + croup. Wide in front, stepping correct behind + wide in front. Drive and reach restricted.
Gjósku Mylla
Badly damaged teeth, slightly long black/gold. Should be more animated, back firmer, upper arm longer. Deep hind angulation, pastern should be firmer. Stepping wide in front and narrow behind. Drive and reach restricted.
Gjósku Komma
Mætti ekki
Gunnarsholts Xola
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Very large, strong, substance type-y bitch, good head + expression, dark eyes. Good ears + set, good back + withers, good croup. Upper arm steep and short, good chest. Very good hind angulation, elbows open, wide behind, correct in front, good movements.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besta tík sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni.
Kolgrímu ræktun
4 mothers + 3 fathers, given the high rate of fathers + mothers shows good consistency. Good bone + color + strength. Standing all on the large side. In all cases upper arm + croup should be longer.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, 2. Besti ræktunarhópur sýningar
Gjósku ræktun
3 mothers + 2 fathers. Good consistency, very good type + color + eye color. Very good strength, in all cases care should be taken in length in upper arm + croup.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Ice Tindra ræktun
3 mother + 2 fathers. The group is not so consistant in type. Good color + substance. Care should be taken with the position of ears + front feet and length of upper arm + croup.
3. sæti
Eldeyjar Hugi með afkvæmum
5 progeny + father, group is large. Good color, dark eyes ears of good size. Good strength of foreface, broad scull, good withers, firm backs. In all cases croup is steep and short. Good chest, very good length of foreleg. Good sex diffrentation. Care should be taken with the upper arm
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti afkvæmahópur tegundar, Besti afkvæmahópur sýningar
Ice Tindra Jazz
Medium size, little long, could be more expressive. Dark eyes, should stand better in front. Slightly short croup, upper arm little short. Steps correct behind + front. Elbows little open, drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Svarthamars Hrekkur
Large, slightly too heavy, dark eyes. Should stand better in front. Good withers, little steep croup, short upper arm, good chest development. Very good hind angulation, steps correct behind + front. Little stepping action in front. Drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Óli Hólm
Large, medium strong, could be more expressive. High withers, firm back, short steep croup, short upper arm. Good hind angulation, pastern should be firmer. Good chest, little close behind, correct in front. Elbows little open, good drive, little short in reach
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki sýningar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Large, strong, well colored masculine dog. Good eye color, stands right in front, level withers, firm back, slightly steep croup. Good hind angulation, good chest, type-y dog. Correct behind + front, good hock firmness, elbows little open. Shows good reach and drive on the move with firm back
Excellent, 1. Sæti, Besti rakki sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni.
Gjósku Osiris
Large, medium strong, very good pigment, dark eyes. Ears could be higher. Firm back, short + steep croup, short upper arm. Good hind angulation, good length of foreleg. Steps correct behind + front. Good hock firmness + elbow connection
Excellent, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
Large, medium strong, black/tan/red, could be stronger in scull and foreface. Good front and back angulation, standing correct in front. Good eye color, correct behind, good hock firmness, elbows could be tighter
Very good, 3. Sæti
Svarthamars Garpur
Large, medium strong, elongated dog. Good color, strong pigment, good eye color, good strength in head, good withers. Slightly short croup + upper arm. Very good hind angulation, good chest. Stepping correct behind + long in slightly in front. Curls the tail on the move.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jackie
Medium size + strong, expressive dark eyes. Good withers, short steep croup. Upper arm could be longer, good croup. Stands east/west. Steps correct behind + front, hocks could be firmer, drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Ice Tindra Joss
Above medium size + strong, black/gold. Ears should be firmer and better set. Short croup, upper arm should be longer. Very good hins angulation. Stands correct in front, steps correct behind, firm hocks, eras loose in movements
Very good, 2. Sæti
Svarthamars Hríma
Medium size and strong, stands east/west in front, firm back, good croup. Short upper arm, very good hind angulation, good chest. Good length of foreleg, steps correct behind, elbows are open, problem with the wrist is apparent. Drive + reach restricted
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
Above medium size + strong type-y bitch. Expressive, good eyecolor + back. Slightly short croup, good chest. Stands with right foot out, hocks could be firner, steps little wide in front, elbows little open.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Gjósku Pæja
Medium size + strong type-y bitch. Good eyes + expression, upper arm could be longer, very good hind angulation. Stands east/west in front, croup steep, steps close behind high stepping front action. Good drive + reach + frim back.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besta tík tegundar
Gjósku Ráðhildur
Medium size strong, good head + expression. High withers, firm back, good croup. Steep upper arm, just little deep in body. Steps correct in front, elbows little open.
Excellent, 3. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besta tík tegundar
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Large type-y substantial, well colored stands correct in front, dark eyes, high withers. Firm back, good for + hind angulation. Balanced chest formation. Steps correct behind + front, elbows little open. Free movements, very good reach + drive
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besta tík tegundar, Besti hundur tegundar, 2. Besti hundur sýningar
Gjósku ræktun
3 mothers + 4 fathers, given the number of mothers + fathers good group. Good sex definition, good eyecolor, take care of the fronts. Good withers + toplines, slightly short croup + upper arm. Good proportions + color
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, Besti ræktunarhópur sýningar
Ice Tindra ræktun
1 mother + 1 father. Small group, shows good type but shows 1 mother + 1 father. Good color, good strength, good eye color. Very good toplines, take care of the angle + length of upper arm + croup
2. sæti
Dómari var Louis Donald frá Ástralíu
Hér á eftir koma öll úrslit, sætaröðun í flokkum, einkunnir hunda og umsagnir.
Hvolpar 6-9 mánaða
1. Kolgrímu Jolie
2. Kolgrímu Just Too Fabulous
Besti hvolpur tegundar – Kolgrímu Jolie
Besti hvolpur sýningar - Kolgrímu Jolie
Besti rakki tegundar:
1. ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
2. Gjósku Máni
3. Ice Tindra Grizzly
4. ISShCh Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
Besta tík tegundar:
1. ISCh ISTrCh OB-1 Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Besti hundur tegundar - ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni - ISCh ISTrCh OB-1 Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Besti rakki tegundar:
1. ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
2. Gjósku Óli Hólm
Besta tík tegundar:
1. ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
2. Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
3. Gjósku Pæja
4. NLW-15 Gjósku Ráðhildur
Besti hundur tegundar - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni - ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Besti hundur sýningar - ISShCh RW-15 Juwika Fitness
Annar besti hundur sýningar - ISShCh RW-14-15 Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða
Kolgrímu Junior
Mætti ekki.
Kolgrímu Jolie
Medium size, medium string, well proportionate puppy. The ears should be higher set, good eye color. Good withers, firm and straight back. Upper arm should be longer. Should stand more correct in front. Stepping correct in front, elbows tight. Drive and reach restricted. On the move the croup is too steep.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, besti hvolpur sýningar
Kolgrímu Just Too Fabulous
Medium size, medium strong black gold. Dark eyes, ears too low, foreface should be stronger. Slightly short, slightly steep croup. Upper arm should be longer, good hind angulation. Firm shoulder and back, steps correct behind and front elbows could be tighter. The reach is restricted and the ears should be firmer.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Kolgrímu Implacable
Above medium size, medium strong, slightly long. Should be more expressive. Good eye color, ears could be higher. Standing correct in front. Good neck firmness, pasterns should be firmer. Moves well behind
Very good, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Tindur
Above medium size, medium strong, black/gold, dark eyes. Ears could be higher and firmer. Standing correct in front. Good withers, back should be firmer, good hind angulation. Stepping from rear, hocks are little narrow, elbows should be tighter.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jessy
Large, slightly heavy muscular dog. Dark eyes, ears should be higher set. Good wither, back should be firmer, good croup. Upper arm could be longer. Good chest development. Stands east-west. Good hind angulation. The hooks + elbows should be firmer. Running drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jackson
Medium size, just medium strong. Should have more substance. Should be more expressive. Ears should be higher, neck should be stronger, back firmer. Croup is well laid but could be longer. Upper arm is very short standing, little narrow in front, feet are placed east-west. Hooks should be firmer, elbows tighter. Flat withers.
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
Above medium size, medium strong. Should be more expressive, slightly roman nose. Good withers, back should be shorter. Good croup, upper arm should be better laid. Good hind angulation, narrow in front + correct behind, drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 1. Sæti
Ice Tindra Igor
Medium size, medium strong. Well colored, good expression, dark eyes. Good withers, back short. Good croup., upper arm short and steep. Good hind angulation, good chest development. Stands little wide in front, correct behind. Good hock firmness, wide in front, drive and reach restricted + could be more outgoing.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Máni
Large, strong, well colored 4 years. Ears should be larger, dark eyes. High withers, strong neck. Behind withers, firm back, good croup, good fore arm, very good hind angulation, good chest development. Should stand little more correct in front. Steps correct in front + behind. Good hock firmness. During movements, shows good drive.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Ice Tindra Grizzly
Large, slightly long, ears could be higher. Medium colored eyes. Ears could be firmer, croup should be longer. Pasterns should be firmer. Standing wide in front and standing correct in behind
Excellent, meistaraefni, 2. Sæti, 3. Besti rakki tegundar
Gjósku Mikki-Refur
Large, well colored, pigmented, dark eyes, the gums inflamed, neck too short. High withers, good croup + back. Slightly short + steep upper arm. Comoact dog, very good hind angulation. Stepping wide behind, hocks should be firmer, correct in front. Drive and reach should be more efficient on the move.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Kolgrímu Hogwarts
Medium size, medium strong. Very well colored, good eye color. Should be more expressive, firm back. Croup little short and steep, upper arm could be longer but is well laid. Stands little narrow in front, stepping behind, hocks should be firmer and elbows. Drive and reach restricted, strong neck, high withers.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Forest
Large, slightly fine dog should be more animated. Ears should be higher, dark eyes. Good withers and neck. Upper arm should be longer and better laid. Should stand more correct in front. Stepping from behind, hocks and elbows narrow and loose. Drive and reach restricted, firm back
Very good
Kolgrímu Fligh HighHólm
Above medium size, slightly heavier dog, dark eyes. Neck could be longer, back could be firmer. Short steep upper arm, stiff hind angulation, short under chest. Should stand more correct in front. Hocks should be firmer, steps correct in front
Very good
Íslands-Ísafoldar Ljónharður
Broken upsizer. Above medium size, medium strong. Ears could be higher, good eye color, foreface should be stronger. Back should be firmer, upper arm should be longer. Could stand more correct in front, step in front elbows should be tighter and has a slight stepping action. Short and steep croup.
Kolgrímu Golden Boy Hólm
Mætti ekki
Gjósku Rósant
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Genious Of All TimeHólm
Above medium size, black/gold, ears should be higher. Neck could be longer, slightly short croup, good hind angulation. Good length of fore leg, standing little more correct. Hocks + elbows could be firmer. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Juwika Fitness
Large strong type-y dog, good head + expression, eyes could be darker. High withers, firm back, croup could be longer. Stands correct in front, upper arm little short and steep. Good length of foreleg. Hocks could be firmer, correct in front. Drive good, reach little restricted.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besti rakki sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar, Besti hundur sýningar
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
Large, medium strong, well colored, ears could be little higher, dark eyes. Stands correct in front, upper arm could be longer and better laid. Good chest development + angulation. Hocks could be firmer + elbows tighter
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besti rakki sýningar
Welincha’s Yasko
Medium size, medium strong, ears should be higher set. Good eye color, good withers, back could be firmer. Upper arm could be longer, good length of foreleg. Standing correct in front, good hind angulation, steps correct behind. Elbows should be tighter. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Olli
Broken upsizer, large little fine. Well colored, should be more expressive, dark eyes, stands wide in front. Upper arm short and steep. Very good hind angulation, chest should be more developed. Wide in front, tight in rear, drive and reach restricted. Hocks could be firmer and elbows firmer
Very good, 4. Sæti
Giro av Rostadgarden
Mætti ekki
Eldeyjar Hugi
Broken tooth, 8 years, large, strong substance, well pigmented dog. Ears could be higher. Neck is powerfull, good withers, back should be firmer. Slightly steep croup, good chest. Very good hind angulation, should stand more correct. A bit week in pasterns, when stepping hocks could be stronger + elbows tighter
Excellent, 1. Sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti öldungur tegundar, Besti öldungur sýningar
Gjósku Tófa Tignarlega
Medium size, medium strong. Well colored, ears little large, dark eyes. Stands correct in front, back could be firmer. Slightly steep croup + could be longer. Good chest, good hind angulation. Hocks could be firmer + elbows tighter on move. drive and reach restricted, stand correct in front
Very good, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Thea
Medium size, expressive, ears could be higher, eyes could be darker. Flat withers, back could be firmer, short steep croup, short upper arm. Should stand more correct in front, hock firmness good, elbows could be tighter. Stepping correct in front + back. On the move drive and reach restricted + back should be firmer.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Svarthamars Hörn
Damaged teeth, medium size, medium strong, good eye color, good wither, firm back. Slightly short, steep croup, short upper arm. Good chest, very good hind angulation. Stepping wide in front, hocks should be firmer. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 3. Sæti
Kötlu Aría Nala
Large, slightly fine, good head + expression, good withers and back + croup. Upper arm could be longer and better laid. Standing east west, behind stepping correct + front elbows could be tighter. Drive and reach little restricted on the move. Very good hind angulation
Very good, 1. Sæti
Kötlu Alfa París
Above medium size, medium strong, stretch bitch. Good eye color, ears could be hgher. Good croup, upper arm could be better, deep hind angulation. Steps correct back + front, elbows could be tighter + hocks firmer
Very good, 2. Sæti
Kolgrímu Invisible
Broken tooth, above medium size, expressive bitch with dark eyes. Good withers, short croup, upper arm should be longer, good hind angulation. Short underchest. Hocks loose behind, elbows should be tighter. Very restricted drive and reach
Very good, 3. Sæti
Hlíðarenda Alfa
Medium size, medium strong, little heavy. Good head + expression, good ears and set. Ood withers and back. Slightly short croup, upper arm should be longer. Very good hind angulation, little narrow behind, little wide in front. Elbows could be tighter and hocks better. Drive and reach restricted
Very good, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu Irresistible
Above medium size, black/tan, should be more expressive. Dark eyes, should stand little more correct in front. Good withers, back should be firmer. Croup little steep, upper arm could be longer and better laid. Little wide behind + front on the move, elbows should be tighter
Vonziu’s Asynja
Medium size, medium strong, black/tan. Could be more expressive, low set ears. Good withers, slightly short and steep croup. Short upper arm, good hind angulation. Should stand little more correct in front, narrow behind + wide in front. Drive and reach restricted
Ölfus Aþena
Could be more outgoing + expressive. Good eye color, correct standing in front, back could be firmer, short steep croup, upper arm could be longer and more laid back. Steps correct behind, elbows to open. Drive and reach restricted
Ice Tindra Ida
Mætti ekki
Opinn flokkur
Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
Large, black/tan slightly fine. Dark eyes, ears could be higher, back could be firmer. Slightly short and steep croup + upper arm. Very good hind angulation, pastern could be firmer. Steps correct behind, elbows + pasterns could be firmer.
Very good, 1. Sæti
Kolgrímu Hokus Pokus Filiokus
Broken tooth, medium size, stretched, well colored bitch. Standing correct in front. Pastern could be firmer, good croup. Upper arm could be longer and better laid. Very good hind angulation, little cowhooked behind. Pastern + elbows should be much firmer. Showing good reach and drive on the move.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Ronja
Large slightly black/tan stretched bitch. Stands little wide in front, flat withers. Back could be firmer, upper arm could be longer. Deep hind angulation, short + steep croup. Pastern should be firmer, on the move wide behind, hocks should be firmer and elbows tighter. On the move should show effective drive.
very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Rispa
Medium size, medium strong, type-y bitch. Good expression, medium eye color. Firm back, high withers, short steep upper arm + croup. Good hind angulation + chest development. Stepps correct behind + front. Hocks could be firmer and elbows tighter. Drive and reach restricted.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Gjósku Olga-Heiða
Medium size, medium strong, should be more animated, low ears, dark eyes. Stands little wide in front, short flat croup. Good hind angulation. Straight upper arm, stepps wide in front, elbows open +, hocks + back could be firmer. Drive and reach restricted.
Eldeyjar Alma
Medium size, substance, slightly roman nose, dark eyes. Stands little wide, short upper arm. Good chest development + hind angulation. Steps wide in front, narrow behind. Back could be firmer, Drive and reach restricted.
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Large and strong black/tan, ears too low. Level withers, back could be firmer. Short upper arm + croup. Wide in front, stepping correct behind + wide in front. Drive and reach restricted.
Gjósku Mylla
Badly damaged teeth, slightly long black/gold. Should be more animated, back firmer, upper arm longer. Deep hind angulation, pastern should be firmer. Stepping wide in front and narrow behind. Drive and reach restricted.
Gjósku Komma
Mætti ekki
Gunnarsholts Xola
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Very large, strong, substance type-y bitch, good head + expression, dark eyes. Good ears + set, good back + withers, good croup. Upper arm steep and short, good chest. Very good hind angulation, elbows open, wide behind, correct in front, good movements.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besta tík sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni.
Kolgrímu ræktun
4 mothers + 3 fathers, given the high rate of fathers + mothers shows good consistency. Good bone + color + strength. Standing all on the large side. In all cases upper arm + croup should be longer.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, 2. Besti ræktunarhópur sýningar
Gjósku ræktun
3 mothers + 2 fathers. Good consistency, very good type + color + eye color. Very good strength, in all cases care should be taken in length in upper arm + croup.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Ice Tindra ræktun
3 mother + 2 fathers. The group is not so consistant in type. Good color + substance. Care should be taken with the position of ears + front feet and length of upper arm + croup.
3. sæti
Eldeyjar Hugi með afkvæmum
5 progeny + father, group is large. Good color, dark eyes ears of good size. Good strength of foreface, broad scull, good withers, firm backs. In all cases croup is steep and short. Good chest, very good length of foreleg. Good sex diffrentation. Care should be taken with the upper arm
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti afkvæmahópur tegundar, Besti afkvæmahópur sýningar
Ice Tindra Jazz
Medium size, little long, could be more expressive. Dark eyes, should stand better in front. Slightly short croup, upper arm little short. Steps correct behind + front. Elbows little open, drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Svarthamars Hrekkur
Large, slightly too heavy, dark eyes. Should stand better in front. Good withers, little steep croup, short upper arm, good chest development. Very good hind angulation, steps correct behind + front. Little stepping action in front. Drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Óli Hólm
Large, medium strong, could be more expressive. High withers, firm back, short steep croup, short upper arm. Good hind angulation, pastern should be firmer. Good chest, little close behind, correct in front. Elbows little open, good drive, little short in reach
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki sýningar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Large, strong, well colored masculine dog. Good eye color, stands right in front, level withers, firm back, slightly steep croup. Good hind angulation, good chest, type-y dog. Correct behind + front, good hock firmness, elbows little open. Shows good reach and drive on the move with firm back
Excellent, 1. Sæti, Besti rakki sýningar, Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni.
Gjósku Osiris
Large, medium strong, very good pigment, dark eyes. Ears could be higher. Firm back, short + steep croup, short upper arm. Good hind angulation, good length of foreleg. Steps correct behind + front. Good hock firmness + elbow connection
Excellent, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Rökkvi-Þór
Large, medium strong, black/tan/red, could be stronger in scull and foreface. Good front and back angulation, standing correct in front. Good eye color, correct behind, good hock firmness, elbows could be tighter
Very good, 3. Sæti
Svarthamars Garpur
Large, medium strong, elongated dog. Good color, strong pigment, good eye color, good strength in head, good withers. Slightly short croup + upper arm. Very good hind angulation, good chest. Stepping correct behind + long in slightly in front. Curls the tail on the move.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jackie
Medium size + strong, expressive dark eyes. Good withers, short steep croup. Upper arm could be longer, good croup. Stands east/west. Steps correct behind + front, hocks could be firmer, drive + reach restricted
Very good, 1. Sæti
Ice Tindra Joss
Above medium size + strong, black/gold. Ears should be firmer and better set. Short croup, upper arm should be longer. Very good hins angulation. Stands correct in front, steps correct behind, firm hocks, eras loose in movements
Very good, 2. Sæti
Svarthamars Hríma
Medium size and strong, stands east/west in front, firm back, good croup. Short upper arm, very good hind angulation, good chest. Good length of foreleg, steps correct behind, elbows are open, problem with the wrist is apparent. Drive + reach restricted
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ruslana-Myrra
Above medium size + strong type-y bitch. Expressive, good eyecolor + back. Slightly short croup, good chest. Stands with right foot out, hocks could be firner, steps little wide in front, elbows little open.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besta tík tegundar, Íslenskt meistarastig
Gjósku Pæja
Medium size + strong type-y bitch. Good eyes + expression, upper arm could be longer, very good hind angulation. Stands east/west in front, croup steep, steps close behind high stepping front action. Good drive + reach + frim back.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besta tík tegundar
Gjósku Ráðhildur
Medium size strong, good head + expression. High withers, firm back, good croup. Steep upper arm, just little deep in body. Steps correct in front, elbows little open.
Excellent, 3. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besta tík tegundar
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Large type-y substantial, well colored stands correct in front, dark eyes, high withers. Firm back, good for + hind angulation. Balanced chest formation. Steps correct behind + front, elbows little open. Free movements, very good reach + drive
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, Besta tík tegundar, Besti hundur tegundar, 2. Besti hundur sýningar
Gjósku ræktun
3 mothers + 4 fathers, given the number of mothers + fathers good group. Good sex definition, good eyecolor, take care of the fronts. Good withers + toplines, slightly short croup + upper arm. Good proportions + color
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, Besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, Besti ræktunarhópur sýningar
Ice Tindra ræktun
1 mother + 1 father. Small group, shows good type but shows 1 mother + 1 father. Good color, good strength, good eye color. Very good toplines, take care of the angle + length of upper arm + croup
2. sæti