Hundasýning Reykjavíkur Winner Hundaræktarfélags Íslands þann 25. maí 2013
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Schäfer síðhærður
Hvolpaflokkur 4-6 mánaða tíkur
- Nr. 10 - Aska
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, 4 besti hvolpur sýningar
G.size. Ex. head. G.topline, strong bones. The angul. behind has reached the limit. Moves parallel in front, but still weak in movements behind. Good temperament.
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða tíkur
- Nr. 12 - Kolgrímu Gypsy Womanhólm
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar
Tall. A lot of substance. Nice head. G.eyes + ears. Ex. topline. Well angulated. Nice Coat. Moves exellant. G. temperament.
- Nr. 11 - Gjósku Pæja
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
G.size. Ex.head. G. eyes + ears. g. coat. Well angul. G. bones. French front. Moves well. Extra P1. G. temperamen.
- Nr. 10 - Aska
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar, 4 besti hvolpur sýningar
G.size. Ex. head. G.topline, strong bones. The angul. behind has reached the limit. Moves parallel in front, but still weak in movements behind. Good temperament.
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða tíkur
- Nr. 12 - Kolgrímu Gypsy Womanhólm
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar
Tall. A lot of substance. Nice head. G.eyes + ears. Ex. topline. Well angulated. Nice Coat. Moves exellant. G. temperament.
- Nr. 11 - Gjósku Pæja
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
G.size. Ex.head. G. eyes + ears. g. coat. Well angul. G. bones. French front. Moves well. Extra P1. G. temperamen.
Unghundaflokkur rakkar:
- Nr. 13 - Gjósku Osiris
Dómur: Exellent, 1.sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, íslenskt meistarstig, besti hundur tegundar.
Ex. type. Macculin. Ex. head. Ex.topline. Well angul. Nice body. Parallel in front + behind. Moves exellent. G.temp.
Opinn flokkur rakkar
- Nr. 14 - Kolgrímu Flash Backhólm
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, annar besti rakki.
Med.size, masculin. Mascul. head. Curved nose. Minus P1. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. G.bones + body. Moves exellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 13 - Gjósku Osiris
Dómur: Exellent, 1.sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, íslenskt meistarstig, besti hundur tegundar.
Ex. type. Macculin. Ex. head. Ex.topline. Well angul. Nice body. Parallel in front + behind. Moves exellent. G.temp.
Opinn flokkur rakkar
- Nr. 14 - Kolgrímu Flash Backhólm
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, annar besti rakki.
Med.size, masculin. Mascul. head. Curved nose. Minus P1. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. G.bones + body. Moves exellent. G. temp.
Opinflokkur tíkur:
-Nr. 51 - Kolgrímu Evita Hólm
Dómur: Very good
G.size. Nice head. Strong back. Falling croup. G.bones. Soft in pastren. Over angul. behind. Walkes very narrow and pass-walking. G. temp.
-Nr. 51 - Kolgrímu Evita Hólm
Dómur: Very good
G.size. Nice head. Strong back. Falling croup. G.bones. Soft in pastren. Over angul. behind. Walkes very narrow and pass-walking. G. temp.
Schäfer snögghærður
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða rakkar
- Nr. 16 - Ice Tindra Gizmo
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti hvolpur tegundar
Med.size. Med. substane. Nice color. Nice head. Nice eyes +ears. G.topline. G.bones. Flat ribs. Well angul. Moves very well. G.temp.
- Nr. 20 - Ice Tindra Grizzly
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Masculin. Nice head. G.topline. G. bones. Nice body. Pigmentation in the tan color could be warmmer. Moves excellent. G. temperamant.
- Nr. 18 - Ice Tindra Forest
Dómur: 3.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Tall. Ex.head. G.topline. G.bones. Flat ribs. Short over arm. Moves with energy. G. temp.
- Nr. 19 - Ice Tindra Galaxy
Dómur: 4.sæti í flokki
Small. Should be ore masculin. Curly left ear. G. topline. G. bones. Short coat. Moves well. G. temperament.
-Nr. 17 - Ice Tindra Gucci
Dómur: 5.sæti í flokki
Med.size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Very falling topline. Normal angulations. Needs nore muscle behind, padding when moving. G.temperament.
-Nr. 15 - Kolgrímu Golden Boy Hólm
Dómur: Mætti ekki.
- Nr. 16 - Ice Tindra Gizmo
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti hvolpur tegundar
Med.size. Med. substane. Nice color. Nice head. Nice eyes +ears. G.topline. G.bones. Flat ribs. Well angul. Moves very well. G.temp.
- Nr. 20 - Ice Tindra Grizzly
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Masculin. Nice head. G.topline. G. bones. Nice body. Pigmentation in the tan color could be warmmer. Moves excellent. G. temperamant.
- Nr. 18 - Ice Tindra Forest
Dómur: 3.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Tall. Ex.head. G.topline. G.bones. Flat ribs. Short over arm. Moves with energy. G. temp.
- Nr. 19 - Ice Tindra Galaxy
Dómur: 4.sæti í flokki
Small. Should be ore masculin. Curly left ear. G. topline. G. bones. Short coat. Moves well. G. temperament.
-Nr. 17 - Ice Tindra Gucci
Dómur: 5.sæti í flokki
Med.size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Very falling topline. Normal angulations. Needs nore muscle behind, padding when moving. G.temperament.
-Nr. 15 - Kolgrímu Golden Boy Hólm
Dómur: Mætti ekki.
Hvolpaflokkur 6-9 mánaða tíkur
- Nr. 29 - Gunnarsholts Xandra
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar.
Med. size. Ex. type. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well ang. Nice body. Moves excellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 28 - Gunnarsholts Xaviera
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Nice head. Short neck. G.topline. Well angul. Nice body. G. bones. Moves well. G. temparam.
- Nr. 31 - Ice Tindra Gem
Dómur: 3. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Femin. Nece head. G. eyes. G. topline. G. bones. Flat ribs. G. coat. Moves well. G. temparment
- Nr. 27 - Kolgrímu Gorgeous Like Mehólm
Dómur: 4.sæti í flokki
Tall. Femin. Nice head. Gould have more pigment on the skull. G. eyes + ears. Nice topline. Well angul. G. bones. Moves well. G. temp
- Nr. 21 - Gjósku Panda
Med. size. Head must develop. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Short croup. Normal angulation. Flat ribs. Moves very elegant. G. temp.
- Nr. 22 - Ice Tindra Fancy
Very tall. Could be more feminin. G. eyes + ears. Nice color. G. topline. Well angul. G. body. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 23 - Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Med. size. Feminin. G. eyes. Very big ears. G. topline. Short croup. Short straight upper arm. Well angul. behind. G. bones. Flat ribs. Could move with longer steps. G. temperament.
- Nr. 24 - Gunnarsholts Xara
Med. size. Feminin. Too short coat. Nice color. Nice head. G. eyes. Big ears. G. topline. Short croup. Short straight upper arm. Well angul. behind. Should move with longer steps. G. temperament.
- Nr. 25 - Ice Tindra Foxy
On the upper limit. Ex. pigmentation. Ex. head. Ex. topline. Short croup. Well angulated. G. bones. Nice coat. Moves exellent. G. temperament
- Nr. 26 - Gunnarsholts Xola
Med. size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Falling croup. Enough angul. G. bones. Moves well. G. temperam.
- Nr. 30 - Ice Tindra Great
Dómur:Mætti ekki.
- Nr. 29 - Gunnarsholts Xandra
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti hvolpur tegundar.
Med. size. Ex. type. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well ang. Nice body. Moves excellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 28 - Gunnarsholts Xaviera
Dómur: 2.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Nice head. Short neck. G.topline. Well angul. Nice body. G. bones. Moves well. G. temparam.
- Nr. 31 - Ice Tindra Gem
Dómur: 3. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun
Med. size. Femin. Nece head. G. eyes. G. topline. G. bones. Flat ribs. G. coat. Moves well. G. temparment
- Nr. 27 - Kolgrímu Gorgeous Like Mehólm
Dómur: 4.sæti í flokki
Tall. Femin. Nice head. Gould have more pigment on the skull. G. eyes + ears. Nice topline. Well angul. G. bones. Moves well. G. temp
- Nr. 21 - Gjósku Panda
Med. size. Head must develop. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Short croup. Normal angulation. Flat ribs. Moves very elegant. G. temp.
- Nr. 22 - Ice Tindra Fancy
Very tall. Could be more feminin. G. eyes + ears. Nice color. G. topline. Well angul. G. body. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 23 - Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Med. size. Feminin. G. eyes. Very big ears. G. topline. Short croup. Short straight upper arm. Well angul. behind. G. bones. Flat ribs. Could move with longer steps. G. temperament.
- Nr. 24 - Gunnarsholts Xara
Med. size. Feminin. Too short coat. Nice color. Nice head. G. eyes. Big ears. G. topline. Short croup. Short straight upper arm. Well angul. behind. Should move with longer steps. G. temperament.
- Nr. 25 - Ice Tindra Foxy
On the upper limit. Ex. pigmentation. Ex. head. Ex. topline. Short croup. Well angulated. G. bones. Nice coat. Moves exellent. G. temperament
- Nr. 26 - Gunnarsholts Xola
Med. size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Falling croup. Enough angul. G. bones. Moves well. G. temperam.
- Nr. 30 - Ice Tindra Great
Dómur:Mætti ekki.
Ungliðaflokkur rakka
- Nr.32 - Gjósku Óttar
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
Tall. Exe. type. Exc. pigmentation. Nece head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. for his age. G. bones. G. coat. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 33 - Gunnarsholts Wu-Tang Clan
Dómur: Very good, 2.sæti í flokki
Come too late to compete, will get a critique + grading
Medium size. Exc. pigmentation. Nice head. Very big ears. G. topline. Flat ribs. Short upper arm. Loose in front. Moces well from side. Good temp.
- Nr.32 - Gjósku Óttar
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
Tall. Exe. type. Exc. pigmentation. Nece head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. for his age. G. bones. G. coat. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 33 - Gunnarsholts Wu-Tang Clan
Dómur: Very good, 2.sæti í flokki
Come too late to compete, will get a critique + grading
Medium size. Exc. pigmentation. Nice head. Very big ears. G. topline. Flat ribs. Short upper arm. Loose in front. Moces well from side. Good temp.
Unghundaflokkur rakkar
- Nr. 34 - Gjósku Osbourne - Tyson
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni og íslenskt meistarastig, annar besti rakki tegundar.
Ex. type. Mascul. G. size. Ex. head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. Nice body. G. coat. Moves exc. and shows a lot of energy. G. temp.
- Nr. 36 - Kolgrímu Fligh Highhólm
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
Med. size. Masculin. Ex. head. G. pigmentation. Straight back. Flat croup. Well angulated. G. body. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 35 - Kolgrímu For You Eyes Onlyhólm
Dómur: Very good, 3. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Ex. head. Good pigment. Not in good coat condition. G. topline. Short croup. Well angul. behind. Angul. in front must improve. His is a bit skinny. Moves well. Body must develop a bit.
- Nr. 34 - Gjósku Osbourne - Tyson
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni og íslenskt meistarastig, annar besti rakki tegundar.
Ex. type. Mascul. G. size. Ex. head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well angul. Nice body. G. coat. Moves exc. and shows a lot of energy. G. temp.
- Nr. 36 - Kolgrímu Fligh Highhólm
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
Med. size. Masculin. Ex. head. G. pigmentation. Straight back. Flat croup. Well angulated. G. body. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 35 - Kolgrímu For You Eyes Onlyhólm
Dómur: Very good, 3. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Ex. head. Good pigment. Not in good coat condition. G. topline. Short croup. Well angul. behind. Angul. in front must improve. His is a bit skinny. Moves well. Body must develop a bit.
Opinn flokkur rakkar
- Nr. 37 - Gjósku Máni
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, fjórði besti rakki tegundar.
Size on the limit. Ex. head + expresion. Ex. pigmentation. Ex. topline. Well angul. Nice body. Moves excellent. G. temp. Exc.
- Nr. 39 - Gjósku Kappi
Dómur: Very good 2. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Curvert back. Falling croup. Well angul. Too flat ribs. Moves well but topline is not corr. when he moves. G. temp.
- Nr. 38 - Ice Tindra Dancer
Dómur: Very good, 3. sæti í flokki
Tall. Ex. pigmentation. Skull must improve. G. topline. Short croup. Flat ribs. Well angul. behind. Front must develop. Moves well. G. temperam.
- Nr. 37 - Gjósku Máni
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, fjórði besti rakki tegundar.
Size on the limit. Ex. head + expresion. Ex. pigmentation. Ex. topline. Well angul. Nice body. Moves excellent. G. temp. Exc.
- Nr. 39 - Gjósku Kappi
Dómur: Very good 2. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Curvert back. Falling croup. Well angul. Too flat ribs. Moves well but topline is not corr. when he moves. G. temp.
- Nr. 38 - Ice Tindra Dancer
Dómur: Very good, 3. sæti í flokki
Tall. Ex. pigmentation. Skull must improve. G. topline. Short croup. Flat ribs. Well angul. behind. Front must develop. Moves well. G. temperam.
- Nr. 40 - Eldeyjar Hugi
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki. meistaraefni, þriðji besti rakki tegundar.
Ex. type. G.size. Ex. head. Ears a bit low set. Ex. topline. Well angulated. G. breast. G. coat. Moves excellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 40 - Eldeyjar Hugi
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki. meistaraefni, þriðji besti rakki tegundar.
Ex. type. G.size. Ex. head. Ears a bit low set. Ex. topline. Well angulated. G. breast. G. coat. Moves excellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 41 - C.I.B. ISCh Welincha´s Yasko
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar. annar besti hundur tegundar.
Ex. type G. expression. Very masculin. Powerful head. Ex. topline. Well angulated. G. body. Ex pigmentation. Moves very well. G.temperament.
- Nr. 43 - Bethomins Ajax
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
G. size. Masculin. Ex. head. G. topline. Falling croup. Well angulated. G. body. G. coat. Ex. pigmentation. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 42 - Xen Av Quantos
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Masculin. Ex. pigmentation. Normal sholulder. G. bones. Moves well but falls in the front when moving. G. temp.
- Nr. 41 - C.I.B. ISCh Welincha´s Yasko
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar. annar besti hundur tegundar.
Ex. type G. expression. Very masculin. Powerful head. Ex. topline. Well angulated. G. body. Ex pigmentation. Moves very well. G.temperament.
- Nr. 43 - Bethomins Ajax
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni
G. size. Masculin. Ex. head. G. topline. Falling croup. Well angulated. G. body. G. coat. Ex. pigmentation. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 42 - Xen Av Quantos
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki
Med. size. Masculin. Ex. pigmentation. Normal sholulder. G. bones. Moves well but falls in the front when moving. G. temp.
Ungliðaflokkur tíkur
- Nr. 45 - Gunnarsholts Whoopy
Dómur:Excellent. 1. sæti í flokki, meistarefni, önnur besta tík tegundar
Ex. type. Corr. size. Ex. head + expression. Nice topline. falling croup. Well angulated. Nice body. G. pigment. Moves ex. G. temp
- Nr. 44 - Gjósku Óla
Dómur: Very good, 2. sæti í flokki.
Med. size. Fem bitch. head must develop. G. eyes + big ears. Strong back. Short croup. Front must develop. Flat ribs. Moves well. G. temp.
- Nr. 45 - Gunnarsholts Whoopy
Dómur:Excellent. 1. sæti í flokki, meistarefni, önnur besta tík tegundar
Ex. type. Corr. size. Ex. head + expression. Nice topline. falling croup. Well angulated. Nice body. G. pigment. Moves ex. G. temp
- Nr. 44 - Gjósku Óla
Dómur: Very good, 2. sæti í flokki.
Med. size. Fem bitch. head must develop. G. eyes + big ears. Strong back. Short croup. Front must develop. Flat ribs. Moves well. G. temp.
Unghundaflokkur tíkur
- Nr. 46 - Gjósku Ophira
Dómur: Excellent 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni.
G. size. Ex. head. Big ears. G. topline. Well angulated. Nice body G. pigment. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 46 - Gjósku Ophira
Dómur: Excellent 1. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni.
G. size. Ex. head. Big ears. G. topline. Well angulated. Nice body G. pigment. Moves very well. G. temp.
Opin flokkur tíkur
- Nr. 57 - Kolgrímu XoXo Gossip Girl Hólm
Dómur: Excellent 1. sæti í flokki, meistarefni, fjórða besta tík
Nice type. Med size. Ex. head. Plus P1 right and left. Nice topline. Well ang. Nice body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 56 - Eldeyjar Alma
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistarefni.
Ex. type. Med size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well ang. G.body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 55 - Kolgrímu Energy Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 3. sæti í flokki.
Ex. type. Ex. pigment. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. G. bones. G. body + coat. Moves well. G. temp.
- Nr. 54 - Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 4. sæti í flokki
Ex. type. G. size. Nice head. Big ears. G. topline. Well ang. Nice body. G. bones. A bit too heavy. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 47 - Kolgrímu Forever FabulousHólm
Dómur: Excellent
Medium size, feminin. G. pigment. Nice head. G. eyes, big ears. G. topline. G. angulation, front must develop. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 48 - Kötlu Birta
Dómur: Very good
Medium size. 3y old, could have more stop and a bit more skull. G. topline. Well ang. The tan colo is to light. Trousers are almost white. Should show more step when moving. G. temp.
- Nr. 49 - Ice Tindra Daizy
Dómur: Very good
Tall, feminin. Nice head. G. eyes. Very big ears. G. topline. Ang in front must improve. Flat ribs. Well ang. behind. Very narrow in front. Not in g.coat condition. Moves well. G. temp.
- Nr. 50 - Gunnarsholts Angelita
Dómur: Excellent
Med. size, feminin. Nice head. G. eyes +ears. Trong back. Falling croup. Well ang. G. bones. Moves with power, but falls a bit in front. G. temp.
- Nr. 52 - Kolgrímu Diesel Hólm
Dómur: Excellent
Under max size. A lot of substance, could show more feminity. Wide skull, deep set ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. Deep breast. Ex. pigment. Moves well.
- Nr. 53 - Ice Tindra Dixi
Dómur: Excellent
Med. size. G. pigment. Could have more black in the skull. Low sett ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. G.bones + body. Moves well.
Vinnuhundaflokkur tíkur
- Nr. 58 - Kolgrímu Dee Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, íslenskt meistarastig. Besta tík tegundar, besti hundur í tegundarhópi 1. Besti hundur sýningar.
Tall. Shows a lot of harmony. Ex. head. Ex pigment. G. topline. Well ang. G. bones. G. body. moves excellent. G. temp.
- Nr. 57 - Kolgrímu XoXo Gossip Girl Hólm
Dómur: Excellent 1. sæti í flokki, meistarefni, fjórða besta tík
Nice type. Med size. Ex. head. Plus P1 right and left. Nice topline. Well ang. Nice body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 56 - Eldeyjar Alma
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistarefni.
Ex. type. Med size. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Well ang. G.body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 55 - Kolgrímu Energy Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 3. sæti í flokki.
Ex. type. Ex. pigment. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. G. bones. G. body + coat. Moves well. G. temp.
- Nr. 54 - Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 4. sæti í flokki
Ex. type. G. size. Nice head. Big ears. G. topline. Well ang. Nice body. G. bones. A bit too heavy. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 47 - Kolgrímu Forever FabulousHólm
Dómur: Excellent
Medium size, feminin. G. pigment. Nice head. G. eyes, big ears. G. topline. G. angulation, front must develop. Moves well. G. temperament.
- Nr. 48 - Kötlu Birta
Dómur: Very good
Medium size. 3y old, could have more stop and a bit more skull. G. topline. Well ang. The tan colo is to light. Trousers are almost white. Should show more step when moving. G. temp.
- Nr. 49 - Ice Tindra Daizy
Dómur: Very good
Tall, feminin. Nice head. G. eyes. Very big ears. G. topline. Ang in front must improve. Flat ribs. Well ang. behind. Very narrow in front. Not in g.coat condition. Moves well. G. temp.
- Nr. 50 - Gunnarsholts Angelita
Dómur: Excellent
Med. size, feminin. Nice head. G. eyes +ears. Trong back. Falling croup. Well ang. G. bones. Moves with power, but falls a bit in front. G. temp.
- Nr. 52 - Kolgrímu Diesel Hólm
Dómur: Excellent
Under max size. A lot of substance, could show more feminity. Wide skull, deep set ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. Deep breast. Ex. pigment. Moves well.
- Nr. 53 - Ice Tindra Dixi
Dómur: Excellent
Med. size. G. pigment. Could have more black in the skull. Low sett ears. Ex. topline. Well ang. G.bones + body. Moves well.
Vinnuhundaflokkur tíkur
- Nr. 58 - Kolgrímu Dee Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, íslenskt meistarastig. Besta tík tegundar, besti hundur í tegundarhópi 1. Besti hundur sýningar.
Tall. Shows a lot of harmony. Ex. head. Ex pigment. G. topline. Well ang. G. bones. G. body. moves excellent. G. temp.
Meistaraflokkur tíkur
- Nr. 59 - C.I.B. ISCh Easy von Santamar
Dómur: Excellent, 1.sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, þriðja besta tík tegundar,
Nice type, feminin. Ex. head. G. topline. Well ang. G. bones. Moves well but narrow in front.
- Nr. 60 - Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni.
Tall. Shows a lot of substance. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Croup could be longer. Well ang. G. bones. A lot of body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- Nr. 59 - C.I.B. ISCh Easy von Santamar
Dómur: Excellent, 1.sæti í flokki, meistaraefni, þriðja besta tík tegundar,
Nice type, feminin. Ex. head. G. topline. Well ang. G. bones. Moves well but narrow in front.
- Nr. 60 - Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
Dómur: Excellent, 2. sæti í flokki, meistaraefni.
Tall. Shows a lot of substance. Nice head. G. eyes + ears. G. topline. Croup could be longer. Well ang. G. bones. A lot of body. Moves very well. G. temp.
- C.I.B ISCh Welincha´s Yasko með afkvæmum.
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti afkvæmahópur dagsins.
Three combinations like the father. Ex. types. Ex. pigm. Clear distinguish between male and females. Show al lot of temp, lot of substance. Ex. movers. Nr. 41, 37, 58, 37.
- C.I.B ISCh Welincha´s Yasko með afkvæmum.
Dómur: 1.sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, annar besti afkvæmahópur dagsins.
Three combinations like the father. Ex. types. Ex. pigm. Clear distinguish between male and females. Show al lot of temp, lot of substance. Ex. movers. Nr. 41, 37, 58, 37.
Ræktunarhópar snögghærður :
- Gjósku ræktun
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar.
Ex. group. Ex. distinguish between male and female. Ex. heads on all. G. pigment. G. toplines, bones and bodies. Ex. temp.
Nr. 32,34,37,46
- Kolgrímu ræktun
Nice group. Distinguish between males and females could be clerar. Ex. pigm. Nice heads. Moves well . G. temp.
Nr. 36,35,47,55,58,
- Gjósku ræktun
Dómur: 1. sæti í flokki, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar.
Ex. group. Ex. distinguish between male and female. Ex. heads on all. G. pigment. G. toplines, bones and bodies. Ex. temp.
Nr. 32,34,37,46
- Kolgrímu ræktun
Nice group. Distinguish between males and females could be clerar. Ex. pigm. Nice heads. Moves well . G. temp.
Nr. 36,35,47,55,58,