Alþjóðleg sýning HRFÍ 13. nóvember 2016
Besti hundur tegundar : Ice Tindra Jazz
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni : ISJCh Kolgrímu Kiss Me @Wednesday
Besti hundur tegundar : ISShCh RW-16 Kolgrímu Irresistible
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni : NLW-15 ISShCh Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
Ölfus Baltasar
Masculine, a bit too strong bones. Correct body proportions. Good head planes, underjaw should be wider. Low inscissor could stay in better line. Good mask. Should have better nose pigment, good neck + topline. Chest well developed for age, moderate angulation. Front paws bit turned out, enough drive in movements, good coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti.
Kolgrímu Kiss Me @Monday
Correct size, could be more compact in loin. Chest should be better developed for age. Good head proportions and dentition. Good neck, could keep better topline in movements. Narrow forechest and front movements. Enough front angulation, front paws turned out. Good coat, rear movemnts should be more stable.
Very good, 2. Sæti.
Gunnarsholts Zig Zag
Very good type, must be shown in better physical condition. Good bones, could have better head planes. Full dentition, good neck, topline could be better in movements. Still needs better chest. Enough front angulation. A bit over angulated behind. Crossing front + rear movements, a bit soft pastern. Paws should be more compact, presentation needs imprivement. Coat texture could be better.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Usli
Very strong and masculine. Good head planes, correct dentition. Keeps topline in movements. Good shape of chest, well angulated from both ends, easy movements. Could be more stable in presentation, presentation needs to improve. Coat could have better quality.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besti rakki tegundar
Opinn flokkur
Ice Tindra Jazz
Correct type + size. Typical proportions, very nice head + mask. Correct dentition. Eyes dark enough, typical topline. Good shape of chest, well angulated both ends. Sound movements, front paws a bit turned out. Coat texture could be better.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
Gjósku Óli Hólm
Very good type, good bones, a bit too straight in front. Head could be more masculine. Good dentition, enough neck, good back. Too sloping croup. Could have better forechest. Enough drive in movements but front + rear movements should be more stable. Soft pastern, shape of paws should be more typical.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Front powerful. Excellent physical condition, masculine head dark eyes. Full dentition, good neck + topline. Well developed chest, well angulated both ends, sound side movements, crossing in front movements. Shape of feet should be better could have better coat texture.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Kiss Me@Wednesday
Lovely young female. Excellent size, correct proportions, good feminine head. Shape of eyes could be more typical, correct dentition. Good neck + back. Could have better croup, good chest for age. Well angulated both ends. Easy side movements, front paws turn out. Very promising coat, could show a bit more temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, ungliðameistarastig, íslenskt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Ice Tindra Krysta
Very good type. Very feminine. Shape of head could be better, good dentition. Could have a better neck, withers could be better developed. Topline could be more typical in the movements. Enough chest for age. Enough angulation. Presentation + movements needs to improve. Close rear movements a bit soft pastern. Needs time for development.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ráðhildur
Very good type. Correct size + proportions. Good head planes but muzzle could be a bit stronger. Correct dentition. Good neck + topline, she needs better forechest. Elbows very close under the body. Narrow front movements. Spleyed feet, good rear angulation, good side movements. Coat texture could be better.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Ice Tindra Joss
Generally correct type, unfortunatly the handler is not able to show the dog properly. Excellent bones, typical proportions. Very nice head, full dentition. A bit high neck, correct topline. Excellent chest, enough front angulation, correct rear angulation. Moves with good drive, a bit close rear movements. Good coat.
Excellent. 1. Sæti
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Correct size, very feminine. Excellent bone, good head, correct dentition. A bit high neck, good topline. Forechest, front angulation and front movements could be better. Enough drive in movements. A bit close rear movements, shape of feet could be more typical. Unfortunatly shown not in good coat condition, small white spot on chest.
Excellent, 1. Sæti.
Ice Tindra
Nice group from 2 different combinations, similar in type. Well balanced, excellent bone, typical proportions. Good heads, good coat quality.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar
Group from 2 diferent combinations. Quite similar in type, correct bones and body proportions. Excellent movements, good coat texture but some dogs not in perfect condition.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Group from four diferent combinations. Quite similar in type, some dogs a bit too strong in bone. Similar heads, good movements, could have better feet + coat texture.
3. sæti
Ice Tindr Karl
Very good coat, good bone, good head planes. Roundish eyes, correct dentition. Withers should be better developed, roach back. Still needs better forechest. Enough angulation, enough drive in movements. Could show better front + rear movements. Excellent coat, white spot on chest.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gunnarsholts Zello
Should be more masculine and better developed for age. Enough bone. Head suitable for the body. Rather big ears, correct dentition. Good neck, a bit roach back. Still needs better forechest, a bit straight in front. Good rear angulation. Moves easy but without power. Needs time for developement. Excellent coat texture.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ölfus Bessi
Strongly made, very masculine. Coarse head, a bit light round eyes. Correct dentition. A bit soft ends of ears, enough neck. Topline could be more typical in movements. Excellent chest, good front angulation, could show more power in movements. A bit unbalanced in rear movements. Could show a bit more temperament, excellent coat texture.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra King
Correct type, masculine. Good shape of head. Shape of eyes and expression should be more typical. Correct dentition, correct neck. Typical topline when moving. Excellent shape of chest, well angulated from both ends. Sound side movements, a bit soft pastern. Crossing front movement, correct coat + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, ungliðameistarastig
Svarthamars Eldur
Good type, masculine. Excellent bones, good shape of head. Correct dentition, nose pigmentation should be stronger. Good neck, topline could be more typical, specially in movements. Front angulation, forechest + front movements should be better. Soft pastern, must show more drive + power in movements. Unbalanced rear movements with too close hocks. Overangulated behind, good coat.
Gjósku Uggi
Correct type, masculine. Correct shape of head, enough mask. Full dentition, excellent neck. Typical topline when moving. Excellent chest, correct angulation. Easy movements, a bit soft pastern. Lovely coat + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besti rakki tegundar
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Implacable
Good type, correct size, typical proportions. Good masculine head. Shape of eyes + expression could be better. Correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline. Excellent shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends. Easy side movements, could be abit stronger in pasterns. Excellent coat quality + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besti rakki tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig
Ice Tindra Grizzly
Very good type. Enough bone, correct head planes. Dark eyes, inscissors could be closer to each other. Good mask, a bit high set neck. A bit roach back, good chest. Could be better angulated in front. Played feet, enough drive in movements. Rather too close rear movements. Good coat.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jessy
Correct type + proportions. Excellent size, correct head profile. Good mask, bit roundish eyes. Good neck + topline, kinky tail. Excellent chest + front angulation. Bit soft pastern, good movements, good coat quality.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Jago z Wierchlesia
Very good type. Strong masculine. Excellent head profile, roundish eyes. Correct dentition, lovely mask. Excellent neck, well developed withers. Could have a better croup. Excellent forechest but sternum should be longer. Correct front angulation, soft pastern, spayed feet. Good side movements, rear movements should be more balanced. Excellent coat.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Tindur
Very good type, masculine. Excellent bones, correct shape of head, shape of eyes could be more typical. Correct dentition. Good neck, withers well developed for age. Good topline, excellent forechest, soft pastern. Spleyed feet, excellent sidemovements. Good reach + drive, a bit close at hocks.
Excellent, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
5 years old masculine. Strong masculine head, big roundish eyes. Underjaw could be better developed, full dentititon. Good neck + topline, excellent forechest, sternum could be a bit longer. Good angulations, mostly good drive. Front paws turn out. Shape of feet should be more typical, could be more stable in front + rear movements. Excellent coat texture.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
5 years old, strongly made. In excellent physical condition. Strong masculine head with correct lines, correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, excellent forechest. Very well angulated from both ends, moves with reach + drive. Balanced coat quality, strong pasterns. Shape of feet could be more typical.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Gjósku Máni
5 years old, front powerful very well balanced. Excellent head, correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline, correct shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends. Excellent side movements, a bit soft pasterns. Good front + rear movements, excellent coat.
Excellent, 3. Sæti, meistaraefni
Gjósku Olli
Generally correct type, unfortunatly not shown in best physical condition. Enough bone, good proportions. Good shape of head, mask extending too high on the skull. Shape of incissor could be better for age. Underjaw could be a bit stronger. A bit high set neck, a bit roach back. Could have better forechest + front angulation. Good rear angulation, good side movements, rather too close at hocks. Excellent coat.
Very good
Juwika Fitness
Correct type, strong, powerful. Excellent physical condition, nice head. Correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, excellent shape of chest + front angulation. Soft pastern, excellent side movements a bit close behind. Excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Kiss Me Now
5 months old, very promising. Excellent bone, lovely profile of head. Full dentition, correct neck, good topline. Could have better croup, excellent forechest + front angulation. Soft pastern, splayed feet. Good rear angulation. Correct side movemnts, front action could be more balanced. Excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Úrsúla
Very good type, a bit too light. A bit narrow head, roundish eyes. Correct dentition. Good neck, enough withers. Good back, could be more compact in loin. Needs better forechest, front angulation + movements. Soft pastern, splayed feet. A bit short sternum. Enough angulation behind, could be shown in better physical condition. Presentation needs to improve, white spot on chest.
Very good
Gjósku Una Buna
Very femine, enough bone for size. Lovely head, enough mask. Correct dentition, good neck. Keeps topline in movements but not when standing. Still needs time to develop. Could have better front angulation + front movements. Enough drive + side movements. Unfortunately not in good coat. Presentation needs to improve.
Very good
Svarthamars Eik
Very feminine, in excellent physical condition. Typical body proportions, could have a better shape of head, eyes + expression. Correct dentition, excellent chest for age. Well angulated from both ends, easy side movements. A bit close at hocks. Excellent coat + temperament.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Krissy
10 months old, excellent type, typical head. Correct dentition, excellent neck + topline. Excellent forechest + front angulation. A bit close at hocks, excellent side movements. Good shape of paws, excellent coat. Lovely temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besta tík tegundar, ungliðameistarastig
Gunnarsholts Zelda
Feminine well developed for age. Good head profile, roundish eyes. Excellent neck, withers + back. A bit too sloping croup. Chest well developed for age. Moderate angulation, sound side movements. Could have better shape of feet, good coat + temperament.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Ölfus Beta
9 months old quite tall. Good head, eyes should be darker. Excellent mask, full dentition. Good neck, withers enough for age. Could have better croup. Enough forechest for age, could show better movements in front. Could have better shape of feet. A bit close in the rear. Excellent coat, needs time to develop.
Very good
Gjósku Thea
Very feminine, well balanced. Excellent mover, a bit short muzzle. Round eyes spoil the expression. Correct dentition, excellent neck + topline. Correct shape of chest, moderate angulation. Shape of feet should be more typical, excellent coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Rósa-Siva
Very good type. Extremely feminine, should be better developed for age. Muzzle could be a bit stronger, soundish eyes. Full dentition, high set neck. Good topline, forechest, front angulation and front movements should be better. Slayed feet, a bit narrow at hocks. Could be more stable in presentation, correct coat texture.
Very good
Kolgrímu Irresistible
Correct type, well balanced. Good wedge shaped head, enough mask, dark eyes. Correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, correct shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends, excellent side movements, excellent coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
Ice Tindra Flame
Very good type, rather too flat chest. A bit straight in front, head could be more balanced. Roundish eyes, correct dentition. Topline could be more typical in movements, a bit longish in loins, lack of forechest. Soft pastern, splayed feet. Should be presented in better physical condition. Close rear movements, good coat.
Very good
Gjósku Rispa
Very good type, correct bone and body proportions. Cold have better shaped head, roundish eyes. Underjaw could be stronger, good mask. Good neck, withers + back, a bit too sloping croup. Excellent forechest + front angulation. Enough rear angulation. Excellent side movements, a bit close rear movements. Correct coat texture, quite big white spot on forechest.
Very good
Kolgrímu Hokus Pokus Filiokus
Good type, still flat and narrow. Narrow muzzle, correct dentition. Round eyes, good neck + back. Lack of chest, rather too straight front angulation. Narrow front + rear movements. Splayed feet, moves fast but without power. End of the tail could be more elastic, good coat.
Xkippi von Arlett
3 years old correct size + proportions. Could have a better shape of head, eyes + expression. Scissor bite, lacks one premolar. Good neck + topline, excellent chest + front angulation. Good side movements, front paws a bit turned out. Rather too wide set ears, excellent temperament, good coat quality.
Very good
Gunnarsholts Xola
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu XoXo Gossip Girl Hólm
5 years old, strong bones, a bit low on legs. Could have better head, shape of eyes and expression. Good dentition, enough neck. Good withers and back, keeps topline in movements. Well developed chest, moderate angulation. Correct side movements, bit close rear movements. Too sloping pastern, splayed feet. Lovely temperament.
Very good
Ice Tindra Gem
Strongly made, excellent physical condition. Excellent bones, good head profile. Bit roundish eyes, correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline. Well developed chest, well angulated from both ends. Moves with good drive. Shape of feet could be a bit better, excellent coat. White spot on forechest.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu Invisible
Feminine, well balanced. Typical outline, correct head proportions. Correct dentition, good mask. Excellent neck, typical topline. Could have better croup, excellent forechest + front angulation. Correct rear angulation, excellent side movements. Front + rear movemnts could be more balanced. A bit too sloping pastern, splayed feet, excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besta tík tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
6 years old, excellent condition for age. Easy side movements, bit close rear movements. Good feminine head, round eyes, good mask. Correct dentition, excellent neck, typical topline excellent forechest and front angulation. Splayed feet, front + rear movemnts could be more balanced. Excellent coat, correct temperament.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Mylla
Mætti ekki
Vonziu’s Asynja
Mætti ekki
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Correct type, excellent size. Good feminine head, could have better expression. Correct dentition, excellent neck, withers + back. Could have better croup. Excellent forechest + front angulation, enough angulation behind. A bit close at hocks, excellent side movements, splayed feet. Excellent coat, excellent temperament and presentation.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besta tík tegundar
Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
11 years old, very feminine. Excellent bone, excellent condition for age. Good head planes, correct dentition for age. Good neck, withers and back. A bit too sloping croup. A bit flat chest, enough angulation. Excellent side movements, splayed feet. Excellent temperament and coat for age.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, öldungameistarastig, besti öldungur tegundar
Group from 3 different combinations. Similar in type, well constructed. Excellent movers, some dogs could improve in head and paws. Excellent coat and temperaments, look nicely toghether.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, besti ræktunarhópur dagsins
Group from 3 different combinations. Could be more similar in type, strong boned, compact. Good movers.
3. sæti
Ice Tindra
Group from 3 different combinations. Dogs are similar in type with excellent bodies and typical proportions. Excellent movers, some of them could have better shape of eye and expression and better feet. Very well presented, excellent coats.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm og afkvæmi
Offspring from 1 combination. Enough similarity. All together very tipical, excellent movers. Well balanced, my compliments to the father.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti afkvæmahópur tegundar
- Ice Tindra Jazz
- ISShCh Gjósku Rosi-Loki
- ISJCh RW-16 Gjósku Usli
- ISJCh Kolgrímu Kiss Me @Wednesday
Besti hundur tegundar : Ice Tindra Jazz
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni : ISJCh Kolgrímu Kiss Me @Wednesday
- NLW-15 ISShCh Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
- ISCh RW-15-16 Juwika Fitness
- ISShCh Kolgrímu Implacable
- Gjósku Uggi
- ISShCh RW-16 Kolgrímu Irresistible
- Ice Tindra Krissy
- Kolgrímu Invisible
- ISShCh Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Besti hundur tegundar : ISShCh RW-16 Kolgrímu Irresistible
Besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni : NLW-15 ISShCh Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
Ölfus Baltasar
Masculine, a bit too strong bones. Correct body proportions. Good head planes, underjaw should be wider. Low inscissor could stay in better line. Good mask. Should have better nose pigment, good neck + topline. Chest well developed for age, moderate angulation. Front paws bit turned out, enough drive in movements, good coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti.
Kolgrímu Kiss Me @Monday
Correct size, could be more compact in loin. Chest should be better developed for age. Good head proportions and dentition. Good neck, could keep better topline in movements. Narrow forechest and front movements. Enough front angulation, front paws turned out. Good coat, rear movemnts should be more stable.
Very good, 2. Sæti.
Gunnarsholts Zig Zag
Very good type, must be shown in better physical condition. Good bones, could have better head planes. Full dentition, good neck, topline could be better in movements. Still needs better chest. Enough front angulation. A bit over angulated behind. Crossing front + rear movements, a bit soft pastern. Paws should be more compact, presentation needs imprivement. Coat texture could be better.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Usli
Very strong and masculine. Good head planes, correct dentition. Keeps topline in movements. Good shape of chest, well angulated from both ends, easy movements. Could be more stable in presentation, presentation needs to improve. Coat could have better quality.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besti rakki tegundar
Opinn flokkur
Ice Tindra Jazz
Correct type + size. Typical proportions, very nice head + mask. Correct dentition. Eyes dark enough, typical topline. Good shape of chest, well angulated both ends. Sound movements, front paws a bit turned out. Coat texture could be better.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
Gjósku Óli Hólm
Very good type, good bones, a bit too straight in front. Head could be more masculine. Good dentition, enough neck, good back. Too sloping croup. Could have better forechest. Enough drive in movements but front + rear movements should be more stable. Soft pastern, shape of paws should be more typical.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Rosi-Loki
Front powerful. Excellent physical condition, masculine head dark eyes. Full dentition, good neck + topline. Well developed chest, well angulated both ends, sound side movements, crossing in front movements. Shape of feet should be better could have better coat texture.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Kiss Me@Wednesday
Lovely young female. Excellent size, correct proportions, good feminine head. Shape of eyes could be more typical, correct dentition. Good neck + back. Could have better croup, good chest for age. Well angulated both ends. Easy side movements, front paws turn out. Very promising coat, could show a bit more temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, ungliðameistarastig, íslenskt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Ice Tindra Krysta
Very good type. Very feminine. Shape of head could be better, good dentition. Could have a better neck, withers could be better developed. Topline could be more typical in the movements. Enough chest for age. Enough angulation. Presentation + movements needs to improve. Close rear movements a bit soft pastern. Needs time for development.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Ráðhildur
Very good type. Correct size + proportions. Good head planes but muzzle could be a bit stronger. Correct dentition. Good neck + topline, she needs better forechest. Elbows very close under the body. Narrow front movements. Spleyed feet, good rear angulation, good side movements. Coat texture could be better.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Ice Tindra Joss
Generally correct type, unfortunatly the handler is not able to show the dog properly. Excellent bones, typical proportions. Very nice head, full dentition. A bit high neck, correct topline. Excellent chest, enough front angulation, correct rear angulation. Moves with good drive, a bit close rear movements. Good coat.
Excellent. 1. Sæti
Kolgrímu Gypsy WomanHólm
Correct size, very feminine. Excellent bone, good head, correct dentition. A bit high neck, good topline. Forechest, front angulation and front movements could be better. Enough drive in movements. A bit close rear movements, shape of feet could be more typical. Unfortunatly shown not in good coat condition, small white spot on chest.
Excellent, 1. Sæti.
Ice Tindra
Nice group from 2 different combinations, similar in type. Well balanced, excellent bone, typical proportions. Good heads, good coat quality.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar
Group from 2 diferent combinations. Quite similar in type, correct bones and body proportions. Excellent movements, good coat texture but some dogs not in perfect condition.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Group from four diferent combinations. Quite similar in type, some dogs a bit too strong in bone. Similar heads, good movements, could have better feet + coat texture.
3. sæti
Ice Tindr Karl
Very good coat, good bone, good head planes. Roundish eyes, correct dentition. Withers should be better developed, roach back. Still needs better forechest. Enough angulation, enough drive in movements. Could show better front + rear movements. Excellent coat, white spot on chest.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gunnarsholts Zello
Should be more masculine and better developed for age. Enough bone. Head suitable for the body. Rather big ears, correct dentition. Good neck, a bit roach back. Still needs better forechest, a bit straight in front. Good rear angulation. Moves easy but without power. Needs time for developement. Excellent coat texture.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ölfus Bessi
Strongly made, very masculine. Coarse head, a bit light round eyes. Correct dentition. A bit soft ends of ears, enough neck. Topline could be more typical in movements. Excellent chest, good front angulation, could show more power in movements. A bit unbalanced in rear movements. Could show a bit more temperament, excellent coat texture.
Very good, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra King
Correct type, masculine. Good shape of head. Shape of eyes and expression should be more typical. Correct dentition, correct neck. Typical topline when moving. Excellent shape of chest, well angulated from both ends. Sound side movements, a bit soft pastern. Crossing front movement, correct coat + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, ungliðameistarastig
Svarthamars Eldur
Good type, masculine. Excellent bones, good shape of head. Correct dentition, nose pigmentation should be stronger. Good neck, topline could be more typical, specially in movements. Front angulation, forechest + front movements should be better. Soft pastern, must show more drive + power in movements. Unbalanced rear movements with too close hocks. Overangulated behind, good coat.
Gjósku Uggi
Correct type, masculine. Correct shape of head, enough mask. Full dentition, excellent neck. Typical topline when moving. Excellent chest, correct angulation. Easy movements, a bit soft pastern. Lovely coat + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besti rakki tegundar
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Stakkur-Goði
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu Implacable
Good type, correct size, typical proportions. Good masculine head. Shape of eyes + expression could be better. Correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline. Excellent shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends. Easy side movements, could be abit stronger in pasterns. Excellent coat quality + temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besti rakki tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig
Ice Tindra Grizzly
Very good type. Enough bone, correct head planes. Dark eyes, inscissors could be closer to each other. Good mask, a bit high set neck. A bit roach back, good chest. Could be better angulated in front. Played feet, enough drive in movements. Rather too close rear movements. Good coat.
Very good, 3. Sæti
Ice Tindra Jessy
Correct type + proportions. Excellent size, correct head profile. Good mask, bit roundish eyes. Good neck + topline, kinky tail. Excellent chest + front angulation. Bit soft pastern, good movements, good coat quality.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Jago z Wierchlesia
Very good type. Strong masculine. Excellent head profile, roundish eyes. Correct dentition, lovely mask. Excellent neck, well developed withers. Could have a better croup. Excellent forechest but sternum should be longer. Correct front angulation, soft pastern, spayed feet. Good side movements, rear movements should be more balanced. Excellent coat.
Very good, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Tindur
Very good type, masculine. Excellent bones, correct shape of head, shape of eyes could be more typical. Correct dentition. Good neck, withers well developed for age. Good topline, excellent forechest, soft pastern. Spleyed feet, excellent sidemovements. Good reach + drive, a bit close at hocks.
Excellent, 1. Sæti
Gjósku Osbourne-Tyson
5 years old masculine. Strong masculine head, big roundish eyes. Underjaw could be better developed, full dentititon. Good neck + topline, excellent forechest, sternum could be a bit longer. Good angulations, mostly good drive. Front paws turn out. Shape of feet should be more typical, could be more stable in front + rear movements. Excellent coat texture.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm
5 years old, strongly made. In excellent physical condition. Strong masculine head with correct lines, correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, excellent forechest. Very well angulated from both ends, moves with reach + drive. Balanced coat quality, strong pasterns. Shape of feet could be more typical.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besti rakki tegundar, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar af gagnstæðu kyni
Gjósku Máni
5 years old, front powerful very well balanced. Excellent head, correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline, correct shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends. Excellent side movements, a bit soft pasterns. Good front + rear movements, excellent coat.
Excellent, 3. Sæti, meistaraefni
Gjósku Olli
Generally correct type, unfortunatly not shown in best physical condition. Enough bone, good proportions. Good shape of head, mask extending too high on the skull. Shape of incissor could be better for age. Underjaw could be a bit stronger. A bit high set neck, a bit roach back. Could have better forechest + front angulation. Good rear angulation, good side movements, rather too close at hocks. Excellent coat.
Very good
Juwika Fitness
Correct type, strong, powerful. Excellent physical condition, nice head. Correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, excellent shape of chest + front angulation. Soft pastern, excellent side movements a bit close behind. Excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besti rakki tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Kiss Me Now
5 months old, very promising. Excellent bone, lovely profile of head. Full dentition, correct neck, good topline. Could have better croup, excellent forechest + front angulation. Soft pastern, splayed feet. Good rear angulation. Correct side movemnts, front action could be more balanced. Excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti
Gjósku Úrsúla
Very good type, a bit too light. A bit narrow head, roundish eyes. Correct dentition. Good neck, enough withers. Good back, could be more compact in loin. Needs better forechest, front angulation + movements. Soft pastern, splayed feet. A bit short sternum. Enough angulation behind, could be shown in better physical condition. Presentation needs to improve, white spot on chest.
Very good
Gjósku Una Buna
Very femine, enough bone for size. Lovely head, enough mask. Correct dentition, good neck. Keeps topline in movements but not when standing. Still needs time to develop. Could have better front angulation + front movements. Enough drive + side movements. Unfortunately not in good coat. Presentation needs to improve.
Very good
Svarthamars Eik
Very feminine, in excellent physical condition. Typical body proportions, could have a better shape of head, eyes + expression. Correct dentition, excellent chest for age. Well angulated from both ends, easy side movements. A bit close at hocks. Excellent coat + temperament.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Ice Tindra Krissy
10 months old, excellent type, typical head. Correct dentition, excellent neck + topline. Excellent forechest + front angulation. A bit close at hocks, excellent side movements. Good shape of paws, excellent coat. Lovely temperament.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 2. Besta tík tegundar, ungliðameistarastig
Gunnarsholts Zelda
Feminine well developed for age. Good head profile, roundish eyes. Excellent neck, withers + back. A bit too sloping croup. Chest well developed for age. Moderate angulation, sound side movements. Could have better shape of feet, good coat + temperament.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Ölfus Beta
9 months old quite tall. Good head, eyes should be darker. Excellent mask, full dentition. Good neck, withers enough for age. Could have better croup. Enough forechest for age, could show better movements in front. Could have better shape of feet. A bit close in the rear. Excellent coat, needs time to develop.
Very good
Gjósku Thea
Very feminine, well balanced. Excellent mover, a bit short muzzle. Round eyes spoil the expression. Correct dentition, excellent neck + topline. Correct shape of chest, moderate angulation. Shape of feet should be more typical, excellent coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti
Opinn flokkur
Gjósku Rósa-Siva
Very good type. Extremely feminine, should be better developed for age. Muzzle could be a bit stronger, soundish eyes. Full dentition, high set neck. Good topline, forechest, front angulation and front movements should be better. Slayed feet, a bit narrow at hocks. Could be more stable in presentation, correct coat texture.
Very good
Kolgrímu Irresistible
Correct type, well balanced. Good wedge shaped head, enough mask, dark eyes. Correct dentition. Excellent neck + topline, correct shape of chest. Well angulated from both ends, excellent side movements, excellent coat.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, besta tík tegundar, íslenskt meistarastig, alþjóðlegt meistarastig, besti hundur tegundar
Ice Tindra Flame
Very good type, rather too flat chest. A bit straight in front, head could be more balanced. Roundish eyes, correct dentition. Topline could be more typical in movements, a bit longish in loins, lack of forechest. Soft pastern, splayed feet. Should be presented in better physical condition. Close rear movements, good coat.
Very good
Gjósku Rispa
Very good type, correct bone and body proportions. Cold have better shaped head, roundish eyes. Underjaw could be stronger, good mask. Good neck, withers + back, a bit too sloping croup. Excellent forechest + front angulation. Enough rear angulation. Excellent side movements, a bit close rear movements. Correct coat texture, quite big white spot on forechest.
Very good
Kolgrímu Hokus Pokus Filiokus
Good type, still flat and narrow. Narrow muzzle, correct dentition. Round eyes, good neck + back. Lack of chest, rather too straight front angulation. Narrow front + rear movements. Splayed feet, moves fast but without power. End of the tail could be more elastic, good coat.
Xkippi von Arlett
3 years old correct size + proportions. Could have a better shape of head, eyes + expression. Scissor bite, lacks one premolar. Good neck + topline, excellent chest + front angulation. Good side movements, front paws a bit turned out. Rather too wide set ears, excellent temperament, good coat quality.
Very good
Gunnarsholts Xola
Mætti ekki
Kolgrímu XoXo Gossip Girl Hólm
5 years old, strong bones, a bit low on legs. Could have better head, shape of eyes and expression. Good dentition, enough neck. Good withers and back, keeps topline in movements. Well developed chest, moderate angulation. Correct side movements, bit close rear movements. Too sloping pastern, splayed feet. Lovely temperament.
Very good
Ice Tindra Gem
Strongly made, excellent physical condition. Excellent bones, good head profile. Bit roundish eyes, correct dentition. Excellent neck, typical topline. Well developed chest, well angulated from both ends. Moves with good drive. Shape of feet could be a bit better, excellent coat. White spot on forechest.
Excellent, 4. Sæti
Kolgrímu Invisible
Feminine, well balanced. Typical outline, correct head proportions. Correct dentition, good mask. Excellent neck, typical topline. Could have better croup, excellent forechest + front angulation. Correct rear angulation, excellent side movements. Front + rear movemnts could be more balanced. A bit too sloping pastern, splayed feet, excellent coat.
Excellent, 2. Sæti, meistaraefni, 3. Besta tík tegundar, vara alþjóðlegt meistarastig
Kolgrímu Diva Hólm
6 years old, excellent condition for age. Easy side movements, bit close rear movements. Good feminine head, round eyes, good mask. Correct dentition, excellent neck, typical topline excellent forechest and front angulation. Splayed feet, front + rear movemnts could be more balanced. Excellent coat, correct temperament.
Excellent, 3. Sæti
Gjósku Mylla
Mætti ekki
Vonziu’s Asynja
Mætti ekki
Ice Tindra Gordjoss
Correct type, excellent size. Good feminine head, could have better expression. Correct dentition, excellent neck, withers + back. Could have better croup. Excellent forechest + front angulation, enough angulation behind. A bit close at hocks, excellent side movements, splayed feet. Excellent coat, excellent temperament and presentation.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, 4. Besta tík tegundar
Kolgrímu Blaze Hólm
11 years old, very feminine. Excellent bone, excellent condition for age. Good head planes, correct dentition for age. Good neck, withers and back. A bit too sloping croup. A bit flat chest, enough angulation. Excellent side movements, splayed feet. Excellent temperament and coat for age.
Excellent, 1. Sæti, meistaraefni, öldungameistarastig, besti öldungur tegundar
Group from 3 different combinations. Similar in type, well constructed. Excellent movers, some dogs could improve in head and paws. Excellent coat and temperaments, look nicely toghether.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti ræktunarhópur tegundar, besti ræktunarhópur dagsins
Group from 3 different combinations. Could be more similar in type, strong boned, compact. Good movers.
3. sæti
Ice Tindra
Group from 3 different combinations. Dogs are similar in type with excellent bodies and typical proportions. Excellent movers, some of them could have better shape of eye and expression and better feet. Very well presented, excellent coats.
2. sæti, heiðursverðlaun
Kolgrímu For Your Eyes OnlyHólm og afkvæmi
Offspring from 1 combination. Enough similarity. All together very tipical, excellent movers. Well balanced, my compliments to the father.
1. sæti, heiðursverðlaun, besti afkvæmahópur tegundar